applied and rejected



A month or so ago I applied to be an editor for the following, Business: E-Commerce: Customer Relationship Management which I notice is still is in need of an Editor.
I was not given a reason as to why and I understand there are over 250 sites in this category still to be reviewed. Possibly someone could shed some light on this for me.

New editors are accepted into small categories at first with manageable numbers of unreviewed. (Which you'll appreciate once you try to open an editing screen with 250 unreviewed!)

Try applying first for a "fun" category: your hometown, hobby, or favorite movie or author. Then you can work up to the more difficult ones.

Well, it's the reviewed and unreviewed counts which both matter, as well as the condition of the category (is it so awful that someone needs to fix it up before having someone new come in?).

Apply again, perhaps for a subcategory.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.