Applying more than once.


I would like to know if applying as an editor more than once is frowned upon? I submitted an application to edit a category and was rejected. I submitted again and was rejected again. Should I just go away and leave you folks alone? Should I keep trying? There are other categories I would be happy to edit. I'm just wondering if subsequent applications would be considered spam. I applied with a handle of MarkR37.



Mar 25, 2002
As this question could be interpreted in different ways, here's three scenerios:
  • You are not an editor and you have never been an editor - In this case, please re-read the editor guidelines, ensure you pick a small category (less than 50 sites in the category and any sub-category seems to be the recommendation), spell and grammar check your application, ensure there are three URLs properly described (and _any_ affiliation with those sites or any other site is declared - see conflicts of interest) and then reapply. We don't mind non-editors reapplying, but please consider leaving a period of a few weeks between applications to allow metas to process your requests.
  • You are not an editor but you have been an editor in the past (i.e. you are an ex-editor) - In this case, please see the account reinstatement form. For obvious reasons, editors removed for abuse related reasons stand a very low chance of being reinstated, but editors that have 'timed-out' (for example, you didn't make an edit for more than 4 months or within your first month) usually stand a high chance of being reinstated. If your account was removed for abuse-related reasons, do not think about reapplying: we have a multitude of checks that the meta editors do (hence the reason it takes around an hour to process each 'new editor' application), and people found re-applying under different editor names or aliases will _not_ be accepted. Please do not waste our time or yours trying to "beat the system" as it will not work and will incur the wrath of the metas : and, believe me, if you've ever met one in person you'll know what I mean (I swear - those guys are not human, more Deity like - and plagues and droughts are not my cup of tea thank you very much....)
  • You are already an editor - DO NOT even consider applying for another account - the rule is one account, one person . Multiple accounts _are_ ground for removal from the ODP.


Apr 25, 2002

Keep trying. Start with a small category. Become intimately familiar with all the guidelines. When you submit your three sites, write the titles and descriptions so that they (1) adhere strictly to the guidelines and (2) match the style of the other sites listed. The second part is critical. You must assimilate the rules, guidelines, and styles, and accomodate them.

When you get it right, you will probably be accepted. Many editors have had to apply multiple times. I first applied in early 99 and wasn't accepted until late last year.

C. J.


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
>> . I'm just wondering if subsequent applications would be considered spam. <<

More than likely we won't even notice you applied more than once (unless you do so in a very short time period). There are over 100 meta editors, and hundreds of applications every week. It's rare for us to remember every application we see, indeed I've done literally thousands and if yours was one of them I couldn't tell ya. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

Point being, apply again if you want. Certainly doesn't hurt and hopefully you'll get it right sooner rather than later.

Good luck! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
- enarra

PS. Wait for a rejection, or at least 2 weeks before applying again. Don't want to end up accepted to two editor names by mistake (yes, it's happened before).
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