Appraciate you advice on where to submit my site


Jun 5, 2007
Dear editors, I'd appreciate your helping me out with determining the right category for my website. I've read the submission guidelines but still cant figure out what is possibly the appropriate category i should submit to. Whenever i pick one it either looks too generic or too specific so after going through a bundle of categories I thought I'd try and ask editors.

My site is a web based CRM system - ideal for small business or individuals - it has lots of features like email list manager, contact manager, online calendar, newsletter campaign manager, etc, etc...

I found many categories that listed similar resources, though there was no i was completely sure about. The website belongs to no particular location as we're serving people from all around the world - I guess no regional category would apply here.

Could you please tell where i should submit? Thanks in advance!


Jun 5, 2007
Thanks a lot for you replies jimnoble and wing!

jimnoble - that was actually the first thing i did :) I found lots of categories but neither seemed to be listing purely crm sites. The one that wing mentioned (Thanks!) has crm consultants, trainers, developers so I'm not sure if my site belongs there.

This category seems relevant though again there are all kinds of software not only crm.

If i submit to one of the above two will the editors decide themselves which category is the right one and move it there? Just want to suggest a good resource that many people enjoy using and I want to make sure I do everything right...

Appreciate your reply as always!


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
If i submit to one of the above two will the editors decide themselves which category is the right one and move it there?
Yes, that's precisely how it works.


May 13, 2007
Not every website you can think of will have a category in which it fits perfectly. The best advice is to pick the closest match you can find. If it's wrong an editor will move it.

As an editor I can tell you that there have been times in the past when I've found sites in the unreviewed queue that didn't quite fit so I've gone looking for somewhere to put them and not found an ideal place for it so I've gone away and started a new category. In fact this has initiated one or reorganisations I remember being involved with.

As long as you take the time to suggest it to the most appropriate category of the ones that already exist then it will eventually find its way to the right place. Don't expect it to happen soon, it's not unknown for the review processes to take many months, even a couple of years. My advice would be submit to the best cat you can and then forget about it.
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