appropriate category/description change




I need some advice before requesting a couple of changes to a site at

First, he's in a category that doesn't fit his product offering and I couldn't find a category that does.
They are not a rope manufacturer, nor do they sell rope. They do however make net products from ropes.

Second,his description says they are a rope manufacturer.

He's currently in this cat:

Top: Business: Industries: Industrial Supply: Rope and Rigging

with this description:

Manufacturer of ropes, and rope products including netting, rope helicopter landing pads, lashing, and slings. Contains products and services.

If you visit his site, you can see they don't make rope plus they offer liquid hauling products.

Would this description change be reasonable?

Manufacturers of industrial net and custom rope products, cargo handling and liquid hauling equipment, safety nets, web and wire slings, lashings and dunnage air bags.

They are located in Canada, would they also be able to be listed regionally?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
#1) IMO, you're trying to stuff too many keywords into the description. It should be a general description, not a product list. (caveat: not every editor is as passionate about the need for concise descriptions)

#2) If there is any content on the website related to the locality (say an address for prospective employees), then yes, please do submit the site to the proper locality.


thanks for your input Hutcheson,
hmmm, wasn't trying to stuff keywords because they have a variety of products but I can see now how it looks like I am. I'll refine it a bit as per your suggestion.

Yes there is an address on the site. Do I simply submit it again to the regional category even though we're already listed?

what about the category?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>>Do I simply submit it again to the regional category even though we're already listed?

Yes, yes! And you should submit exactly the same URL. Often editors will look at the "already listed" sites first -- they are often "quick reject" or "quick accept". In a case like this (business already listed in Topical) the site has already been judged appropriate for listing....and all that remains is to verify the local relevance (that looks like a quick accept) and polish the description. Note that because the relevance is "locality" and not "business", the description could reasonably be less specific than the business listing. I'd probably trim it down to something like "Manufactures industrial rope and wire netting products."

And no guarantee, but many regional categories have short backlogs.
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