approval of a suggested site


Hi all, i hope that the question i'm putting here and its related answers will provide interesting infos also to the other users of the board. I suggested a site more than ten days ago and so i submitted it again yesterday, the category i'm applying for Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Denominations: Jehovah's Witnesses: Singles but i have not received nor approval nor a message that my site hs not be approved. I know that submitting a site more than once is not allowed but i didn't read this rule and i discovered it after my re-submission. The question i'm placing is about how can someone know if the site is submitting has been reviewed, approved or refused ? in the case it's refused does get an e-mail or another notification that shows the refusal and the related reasons ? How much time is needed for a site to get listed in the directory ? I ask this last question because the site speaks that the time the site gets to be displayed in the related partners as altavista, yahoo and others may vary from a week to several months and so seems that the site if listed is listed in domz in a reasonable period while to be shown by the dmoz partners takes a longer time. Can someone helps me with my problem and help others that have a similar problem to mine ?

Thank you in advance...


Jan 23, 2003
i have not received nor approval nor a message that my site has not be approved.

We do not send any "approval notes" or other messages when/if we act upon a suggested site. Remember, all you have done is suggested it to us. It could be years before we consider your suggestion.

The question i'm placing is about how can someone know if the site is submitting has been reviewed, approved or refused ?

You cannot. If we choose to list the site you suggested, it will appear in the directory, that is sufficient confirmation.

in the case it's refused does get an e-mail or another notification that shows the refusal and the related reasons ?

Almost never, unless the issue is so minor as to be easily fixed, and the reviewing editor chooses to send a note. Assume you will not get any notification.

How much time is needed for a site to get listed in the directory ?

From a matter of minutes to years.

Can someone helps me with my problem and help others that have a similar problem to mine ?

There is no real problem here -- other than your annoying habit of putting a space before every question mark. The questions you asked are all covered in our FAQ. We can't help you with the space before question marks think, though. :D


Jun 2, 2007
Life goes on

It would be nice to know something. Yes or No. Yes means you appear in the directory. No means...

Did they get my submission?
Did they review my site?
Did I do something wrong?
Is there a problem I can fix?
Should I submit again?
When was the last time I submitted?
Am I banned?

Worry and stress are born of not knowing. We make assumptions about our work and our rightful place on the web. We impose those assumptions on others and demand they accept our...vanity.

No more submissions for me. No more checking, requesting and stressing. I have come to appreciate the people who visit my site and what makes them happy. I have begun to unravel the SEO madness of the strategic insertion of keywords, the carefully scripted titles and daily vanity searches. I listen to the people I have rather than worrying about the potential millions I do not. I design for them, I help them, I guide them and I listen to them.

An amazing thing happened. The site began to grow and grow. I now think in terms of what I can do to make my site a worthwhile experience for the few who discover it and take nothing for granted.

So I'll assume the answer is "no" once and for all. Now I can get back to doing that thing I do with the people who...approve. Life goes on.


Jan 23, 2003
I now think in terms of what I can do to make my site a worthwhile experience for the few who discover it and take nothing for granted.

In my opinion, that is the perfect attitude. :love:


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
What spectregunner said. But for anyone else who's reading, and things there's a lot of unanswered questions...

Did they get my submission?
You get a confirmation screen at the end of the site suggestion process that lets you know this.

Did they review my site?
This is one thing we won't tell you here. However, you should be able to judge for yourself if your site is listable by reading out site selection criteria. If it's listable but hasn't been listed, you can usually assume it's still waiting to be reviewed.

Did I do something wrong?
Is there a problem I can fix?
Should I submit again?
You should be able to answer these for yourself by a bit of reading of the guidelines and site suggestion instructions.

When was the last time I submitted?
Since you should normally only suggest your site once, there shouldn't be much to remember here...

Am I banned?
We're not going to tell you this (for obvious reasons). If you've followed the instructions, then no. But if not...


Nov 7, 2006
I don't think we just ban someone at the drop of a hat, you really have to work hard to earn that status, ;). After that, we're happy to oblige.
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