approve or reject site status


Feb 3, 2010
Would DMOZ let us know if our site being rejected or approved?

I've submitted my site for more than 4 months but i never heard anything back either i being rejected or approved

also how would i know of someone not harming my site by keep submitting my application to DMOZ cause multiple submission?



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>How would i know of someone not harming my site by keep submitting my application to DMOZ cause multiple submission?

(1) How would WE know? (Answer: there is no conceivable automated procedure, we'd have to notice based on manual review.)
(2) What would YOU do if you knew? (Answer: since you don't volunteer to help out in ODP abuse control, there's nothing you COULD do.)

So, the simple answer to your original question is: you don't know, and if you did know, you wouldn't be any better off--because there would be nothing you could do.

However: this is not a common problem. I've seen a case or two; many ancient-and-active editors have never seen such a case. And, like everything else that might happen once a year, the editors just ... fix it when they notice. No need to create a committee to set up a special procedure, no need to enter dialog with the webmaster, who isn't actually involved in any way in either the problem or the solution.
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