Arabic Categories Issue


May 14, 2005
Hi. I am glad I found a forum for dmoz :)

Arab webmasters talk about dmoz not listing Arabic sites at all for a long time now. Is there some mesurement tool or stats where you can check on that and see if that is correct or not? Or is there a reason for not approving Arabic sites anymore?



Mar 25, 2002
Sites get worked on according to the availability of editors who are capable of editing them.

When it comes to sites which are not written in English, then we tend to find that the pool of available editors is even smaller.

I'm not familiar with the Arabic situation in particular, just giving you an observation based on how I see the ODP work.

So, if you can write well in the language, we would welcome good editors who are fluent in the language.


May 14, 2005
Thanks for your reply, Alucard.
Sounds good since Arabic is my mother tongue and I am a well known poet in Egypt.. What should I do?


Apr 30, 2005
If you have an interest in editing Arabic sites in the ODP you should first read the Becoming an ODP Editor page. If after reading that information you decide to apply visit the World: Arabic section of the ODP and select a 'smaller' category (to start with) that is of interest to you. There may be 'volunteer to edit this category' link at the very bottom of the category page (I cannot read the language so I cannot say for sure). Click on that 'volunteer' link to apply. TIP: Complete the application in its entirety using proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and suggest quality professional sites applicable to the category you select. Then wait for an email confirming your email address and respond by following the instructions. Then just wait for a few days to several weeks until a META Editor can review your application.

I see an editor using the pseudonym: milad edits the top category in World: Arabic. You might contact him/her through DMOZ email at: milad to learn more. The editor may or may not respond. Editors are listed at the bottom of each category page for which they have direct responsibility.

Good Luck!


May 14, 2005
Thanks mshaffer for the information. I will follow what you said but first I have these comments/questions:

1- "select a smaller category to start with":
The whole category (Arabic) needs real (real) work! There are some categories to rename, many to add, some sites to remove, many to move to other categories and too many to add. I don't say I want to be a top category editor but this section really needs ODP's attention. Arab users no longer care about ODP because this section is really dead. Sorry for saying that but if you are able to check its activity over the past two years then you will see what I am talking about.
I don't know what ODP should do but at least I suggest contacting the Arabic category and subcategories and see if they are still there! If they do their work well, I won't even need to become an editor (which is not a privilege I believe, it is much work).

2- In what language should I complete the form? Arabic or English?

3- Who will review my application? An Arabic or an English editor?

Thanks alot.


Apr 30, 2005
select a smaller category to start with
I'm not sure how they approve editors in the WORLD section of the DMOZ, but generally speaking, your stand a better chance for approval if you start with a smaller category (less than 100 listings). Then show you can follow ODP editing guidelines. Once you have edited current category listings and added new sites to the category you may apply for additional (larger) category responsibilities.

Arab users no longer care about ODP because this section is really dead.
Do you speak for the entire Arab population or is this just your opinion?

Remember that this is a VOLUNTEER project. Editors will review and list sites when they have time and elect to do so. The only requirement to maintain editing privileges is to make one edit every three months. We do not exist to serve webmasters or site owners who suggest sites to the ODP. There is no one within the DMOZ who will ever put pressure on an editor to review and list sites.

If they do their work well, I won't even need to become an editor (which is not a privilege I believe, it is much work).
Currently there are several active editors in the World: Arabic section of the DMOZ. As volunteers we do not consider this work. We all do this for different reasons when we have the time, but generally the goal is to build a better Internet directory -- edited by humans. It's certainly your option as to whether to apply for editing privileges, or not - suit yourself.

In what language should I complete the form? Arabic or English?
I cannot answer that question. Maybe someone else can provide you with specific guidance.

Who will review my application? An Arabic or an English editor?
It is the META Editors who approve editor applications. I cannot tell you how many METAs in the DMOZ read Arabic.


Apr 8, 2004
Lordo said:
Thanks mshaffer for the information. I will follow what you said but first I have these comments/questions:

1- "select a smaller category to start with":
The whole category (Arabic) needs real (real) work! There are some categories to rename, many to add, some sites to remove, many to move to other categories and too many to add.
Categories have to be named according to the editing guidelines. And the sites have to be listed according to the description of any given category. So just consider this two of the reasons a new editor will only be given a chance to prove their editing skills in smaller categories. You have to prove you can be a good editor according the the ODP mission, goals, and guidelines, not according to how you think it should be, before being allowed to edit larger categories.


May 14, 2005
Thanks for the follow up..

1- I am talking about Arab visitors and webmasters. In the major Arabic forums of webmasters and/or regular users, they talk about ODP's Arabic category being not updated for long time now. That's why I searched for these forums.

2- I agree: editors are not here for serving webmasters. But they are here to serve users, aren't they? The goal is to offer the best web directory which is edited by humans, which means a rich and updated directory. I wonder if one edit every three months can keep ODP updated and rich. OK I understand it is the current requirement as you said but definately it can't be the expected *work* from editors.

3- Do you know in which language I should apply? The form is Arabic but I think editors will need to read it in english! Or what? I don't know who will read it :)



Apr 8, 2004
You always have to apply in the language of the category that you are applying to edit. However, this is not to say that a translation in English might be helpful. I really do not know either way if this is acceptable. If you decide to apply, and if you do decide to translate. Put the translation in brackets [like this] after the description in your native tongue.

No editor that only edits once in three months is preventing any other person from applying. So that one edit is better than no edits, right? It is a volunteer effort, and there are no expectations of any kind from an editor other than the one edit and quality in that edit, which is actually once every 4 months rather than 3 months. If an edit is not performed in a 4 month period, then the editor times out. Any editor who times out, may ask for re-instatement at anytime, and is almost always approved, providing the editor timed out in good standing.

You are quite welcome. ;)


May 14, 2005
I followed your instructions (mshaffer & dogbows) specially with the []'s for translation :) I liked that way..
Thanks to both of you :)


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Just to clarify for any other people who read this thread: When it comes to applying for a World/ category, most of the fields could be filled out in either the World language itself or in English, though the non-English language is usually preferrable. The titles and descriptions for the 2 or 3 example URLs should NOT be in English.


May 14, 2005
nea I entered the titles in Arabic only but entered the descriptions like this:

Arabic description here...
(empty line)
[Translation: bla bla bla ]

How bad is that?
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