alex brown

Jul 1, 2005

I submitted a fairly primitive architectural site to ODP hosted by Geocities a couple of years ago. It was accepted and distributed. This year I completely restructured the site, new domain, which is now massively better designed and much, much more informative. I resubmitted the site. The Result: nothing. The question: why? Where is my site and if it hasn't been accepted, why not since it is a thousand times better than thew first one? I thought quality was the issue on ODP?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
"Resubmitted": does that mean "suggested the new URL", or "submitted an Update URL request to replace the old URL"?

Obviously, the latter way is the "best" way -- it is handled much more efficiently (and as a result, editors are often happy to give such suggestions a much higher priority.)

If your answer was option (a), then it's entirely possible the submittal is still waiting for review -- since nothing about the submittal could have suggested any special priority to the suggestion itself, and it's not likely the submittal even suggested that there was any special quality to the site itself.

In either case, we don't do submittal status checks anymore: but in any case a submittal doesn't set a date by which some editor will be coerced by force majeur to review the site -- so if you were disappointed by not seeing that happen automatically, you're not alone. (But you don't have any editors with you.)


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
If you suggested the new URL using the "Suggest URL" link, you should consider using the "Update listing" link instead (it's not too late to do that even if you did it the other way the first time.) Note that the old URL won't be replaced with the new one unless there is some indication on the currently listed site that the URL you want to change to is a replacement for it: a redirect or a link to the new URL for instance.


Jan 23, 2003
And, if you submit or submitted an update request, make certain that the old URL is either nonfunctioning or has a prominent banner pointing to the new URL. We almost never change a URL if the old site is functioning and there is no visible indication of the old site owner's intentino.

This is designed for your benefit to keep people from hijacking listings. And yes, they do that and much, much more.
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