Are subdomains allowed in DMOZ?


Jun 27, 2007

I was just wondering if The Open Directory Project does not list websites that are subdomains -
(for example: (I do not believe that is a real site, and if it is, I did not mean to violate the rules by posting it - I only meant to give an example to clarify).

I have submitted two sites that have subdomains twice (with a time span of three weeks between them, as the rules specify), and was wondering of there is any rule that prevents these types of websites from being listed. If so, I understand completely and will not attempt to be listed in the directory again.

I do understand that being listed can take years, and I am perfectly content to wait - please do not think that this is in any way a complaint.

Thank you very much for your time and attention and have a wonderful day!

souledout4Him :) :flower: {moz}


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
As a general rule, we want to list the main site at the most appropriate level. However, it really depends on the situation and the site's content. In the case of a site such as the one you mention, where you have a free hosting provider like google pages it is very probable that many different individuals are creating such sites that are completely unrelated with the exception of sharing the same free host and many of them could very well be listable depending on the content that they include. The problem you have often with such sites though, is that they sometimes are only mirrors of the 'real' sites so they require a little more effort sometimes to make sure the true site is included.

In the case where someone creates a set of sub-domains for their main-domain in order to spread out there content is different however. Example:,, in which case we would only consider at a higher level.

Hope that makes sense.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
with a time span of three weeks between them, as the rules specify
Could you point out where you read this? If there's some official documentation saying saying what I interpret that to mean, then it needs fixing.

To be clear, you should suggest any site only once*, never suggest related sites, but can suggest any number of totally unrelated sites (once each) in whatever space of time you like. (In this context 'related' is typically to do with ownership, not subject matter.)

* Unofficially, a second suggestion six months to a year after the first won't get you labelled as a spammer, and will help reduce the small possibility that an editor made a mistake and erroneously declined your first suggestion to a vanishingly small value.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Hmmm, overlooked that part of the post. :confused: Thanks for catching and responding chaos127 :) .


Jun 27, 2007
Thank you very much, shadow 575 - I think I understand about subdomains now. Both of my sites are websites and I wanted to list them under kids & teens: educational (and I did get more specific than that) -one site was for homeschoolers and one was for Spanish students. Both each have at least one page listed in Google.

I was also wondering - do you all ever find sites listed in Google and add them to your index without having a submission sent in? I was just curious, :) and wondering if you all only added sites to your directory that were submitted.

Chaos 127 - I went to the Open Directory Project website and found this statement about website submissions: "Please only submit an URL to the Kids and Teens Open Directory once. If a site has not been listed within three weeks, you may submit it again."

It was at this URL: .

Thank you both very much for your answers! I really appreciate it!

It is easy to be impatient as a webmaster (as I have seen in other posts), because we have worked hard on our websites and want people to be able to see it, but I understand that you all must have to wade through a TON of submissions, and can only handle so much. :) I think I can see both sides of the question. So if I am not supposed to submit it every three weeks, I won't. :)

Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sincerely, souledout4Him


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005

Ideally we would like you to suggest just 1 site and have links to the other on that one - especially if they are being suggested to the same category.

do you all ever find sites listed in Google and add them to your index without having a submission sent in?
Yes - it is important to find the sites that don't realise there is more to putting up a website than ... just putting up a website :) A lot of categories are built up without any external input at all.

"Please only submit an URL to the Kids and Teens Open Directory once. If a site has not been listed within three weeks, you may submit it again." is not suggesting it every 3 weeks but twice at an interval of 3 weeks - it looks as if that text is out of date. Thanks for pointing it out. :)



Jun 27, 2007
Thank you very much! My sites were listed under two different categories (one under homeschooling and one under foreign languages) and they do link to each other.

Yes, I do agree that there is more to creating a website than just throwing it together - I have tried to be professional with my websites and I do manage a website for a small business here in Colorado Springs.

Thank you for correcting my assumption that that text meant to submit it every three weeks. :) I thought that was what they meant by that, but I guess that would be REALLY BUGGING the editors. :) :rose:

Thank you again!

Sincerely, souledout4Him


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
do you all ever find sites listed in Google and add them to your index without having a submission sent in?
Yes, in fact most of my recent editing activity has either been quality control work on existing listings, or building new categories with sites I've gone out and found myself to fill gaps in the directory. :)


Jan 23, 2003
I'll second that and expand on it a bit.

When editors are new to the directory they tend to overly rely on the pool of submissions.

As they gain experience and broader category permissions they often develop an interest in finding sites that were never suggested to the pool. Their experience often lead them to the conclusion that the pool of submissions is not the best place to find quality sites. This is especially true as you move away from the most popular categories.

Category building is quite a satisfactory experience. One finds a small, perhaps overlooked, category within their realm of permissions and begins to hunt for sites, using all of the major search engines, along with other research tools and techniques that are available to them.

It one of those things that keeps editors coming back day after day. After all, there is a lot more personal satisfaction in being an editor who is also a researcher than in being an editor who just processes suggestions.
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