asked hundred times before


May 6, 2005
Hello World!

I have been reading allot lately and I have a question that has been asked before, but I feel it has to be reviewed.

Site submission works fine, and even without submitting all my web pages are listed.

But.... and here it comes...(don't kick me out, please)

I want to remove my website from Dmoz. It's stealing attention from my pages and Dmoz gets a higher rank in all search engines. I know you say you won't or can't remove it, but there has to be a way out?
Couldn't you just ban my site, give me some tips and tricks on how to rank higher than Dmoz? Or just ? I'm out of words. I can't understand how you can treat people this way, there has to be something?? Please! :(


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
No, you can't ask us to unlist a site for the same reason you can't ask us to list a site.
What you are describing "Dmoz is stealing attention from my pages" is impossible, unless you are running a copy of our directory.
But there is a way out.
Remove your site from the Internet and tell us through the "update listing" link.
Or change your site in such a way that it violates DMOZ guidelines and also tell us.
But don't change your site back to the original, we might find it again and again decide to list it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
pvgool is correct -- we don't put sites in or take them out based on what Google or webmasters want.

This isn't an SEO forum, and we shouldn't pursue this line of reasoning too far. But ... ODP links can only help your site's page rank and therefore its position in Google. So what you are asking makes no sense even based on your priorities.

Go find whoever told you that having ODP links was hurting you, and hit them with a big clue stick. If that doesn't shut them up permanently, hit them with a big SPIKED clue stick. Repeat as often as necessary.

You can get your site out of the ODP, if you want badly enough (as pvgool says). But ... it is not a sane action to take.

You haven't mentioned your site or the search results that so consternate you. You can, if you wish, and I'd look at them. But I cannot imagine that my advice would ever be other than "the ODP links are helping you, even if only a tiny bit."


May 6, 2005
Sorry guys, I never got a message telling me that anyone had replied, and in the user CP, it says I have no subscription to any threads.
I had to search for this thread to find it.. Strange..

I hear what you are saying, and yes, I'm thankful that my pages are listed.
I just find it strange that, the Dmoz lists have a higher rank than the actual URL.

I probably did something right because after a few emails and some "trashed" threads, Dmoz results are now gone from Google and you won't find it in Dmoz, even if it's listed.


Aug 13, 2003
The problem lies with Google. You can read plenty about it on other forums. We don't go in for discussing Google here, so I'll be brief.

Google makes changes in its algorithm pretty often. A few months ago they made a change which resulted in complaints that when you search for a person or business by name, the official site for that person or business does not always appear in the top results. Instead you get may get sites that mention the person or business, or that link to the official site.

This is not consistent. Search for Ford Company, Mick Jagger or Google and you will get the official site at #1. But search for Jean Manco and you will not. You will get my Dmoz profile, which links to my site.

That is irritating for me too, but I'm not blaming the Open Directory and I'm not taking the link to my site out of my profile! At least people can find it that way.
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