Automated Status Reporting


Feb 7, 2004
I'm sure this has been covered before but I can't find a thread on it ('status' & 'reporting' are hot keywords!)...

Wouldn't it save you guys a huge amount of work if there were a submission status lookup facility?

I've got some RSS feeds listed on Syndic8 where all submissions appear as soon as they are made and have a status log. (That's what just made me think of it)

At first a submitted feed status shows up as "awaiting polling", then for several weeks while it is being spidered it is "polling", then an editor passes it or rejects it, and that is recorded in the log too.

A similar system for Dmoz could be really basic. Maybe a search argument? (This is where I embarrassingly find it already exists!)

Type in ""

and get " is queued" or "not found" or "is banned" or "is listed" or whatever.

Then you would only have to deal with the questions arising.

Like I say, it can't be an original idea, but I thought I'd raise it anyway.

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