Back in 5 min,,,,,, dmoz = relivent? um,,


Nov 24, 2006
Sorry to rant, but..Fair dinkum,,,,,Talk about hard to submit too..
and for what,,

how hard is it for the ODP to get a New script and reboot
Or, for the sake of humanity, Why not start again? V2 i have been trying for 4 months, service? me thinks. not

Seriously,, why is it taking so long? i just got group cluster of servers on ebay faster than you can get a simple directory online, Do you want a hand,?

your supposed to be the bees knees, so start being it, or you will lose your status, with no shop, and to be honest,,i cant remember a dmoz listing taking me to a site? ever,,,

see Dmoz on the wayback machine? Now, why would i submit to a site, thats so slow at there own business, with no results,

Philski seo
Sheffield Tasmania


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Seriously,, why is it taking so long? i just got group cluster of servers on ebay faster than you can get a simple directory online,
Let's be clear here. Our directory is online, both on the public and the editors' sides. The fact that the public scripts are not currently accessible does not make the directory offline.

i have been trying for 4 months, service? me thinks. not
The ODP is not offering a "service" to Website owners. The fact that you are able to suggest your site to our editors using our form (when it isn't disabled) doesn't make us a listing service of any kind.

your supposed to be the bees knees, so start being it, or you will lose your status, with no shop, and to be honest,,i cant remember a dmoz listing taking me to a site? ever,,,
I have no idea what you actually meant by that last part.

see Dmoz on the wayback machine? Now, why would i submit to a site, thats so slow at there own business, with no results,
If the directory ever dies, it won't be because the site suggestion script was disabled for several months.


Nov 7, 2006
i have been trying for 4 months, service? me thinks. not

The ODP does not offer a service, we offer the public the privledge of being allowed to make site suggestions, but, we're under no obligation to use the suggestions.

In fact, it's actually a lot easier and faster for us to go find the sites ourselves, then, we know it's not spam sent here by SEOs, which takes up a lot of our time investigating.

And, the more posts of this nature that I read, the less inclined I am to look at site suggestions at all.


Nov 24, 2006
the Lights on,, and Someones home,, yeah

Im really not trying to attack the editors, just the administrators,

why not just be an editor selected directory then, remove the "add url"
make it simple for everyone, and more user friendly, and less stressful for the public

You cant talk about seo with this very forum needing work,

Kind Regards


Nov 7, 2006
Administrators are editors, :) , they became administrators by being superbly talented editors. We all respect them, and count heavily on their knowledge and experience.

Actually, not accepting site suggestions is a very good idea that a lot of editors might like to see, but, it doesn't go along with our Social Contract. Just as it's a privledge to become an editor, suggesting sites is also a privledge, for the public.

I understand the public frustration, I just wish we editors could do a better job explaining why something that might, at first glance, look like a listing service, really isn't, that Google may use our data, but, we ourselves have nothing to do with site ranking (and don't consider it important to what we're doing), and that we hate editor abuse even more than the public does, and are constantly on the lookout for it.

As far as this site goes, you're absolutely correct. I would love to see more mom & pop site owners in here, instead of the professionals. They are the people I came here to help. I wish more of them knew about this site.

By the way, we do have editors who are webmasters and SEOs, but they are ones who can seperate their business interests and still be impartial editors, though that must be a difficult thin line to walk sometimes.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You cant talk about seo with this very forum needing work
Nobody involved in the running of this forum has ever claimed to be in the business of SEOing nor do most of us particularly care about how well (or poorly) this forum is optimized. :D


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>why not just be an editor selected directory then, remove the "add url" make it simple for everyone, and more user friendly, and less stressful for the public

If you, as a member of the public, feel frustrated or confused by any part of the pages, you now have a choice: you can ignore that part of the site, or you can ask questions about it. That is a choice that you have now, and we would be extremely reluctant to take it away from you.

We would LIKE for you to have the choice of helping build the directory also. Unfortunately, that isn't working right now -- but I have faith that our techs WILL get it working again. Even after it's working again, though, you will STILL have the choice of ignoring the parts that confuse and frustrate you. And no EDITOR will think the worse of you, whichever choice you make.

It's all, always, about giving people more information, more choices. It's never about forcing anyone to learn or act.
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