Back to normal for site submissions?



According to ODP the system should have been back on line from noon Monday PST.

I tried to add an URL from the UK at 7.30 am GMT Tuesday and got error message
'Accessing URL:' failed.

I tried again at 6.30 pm GMT. Got same error message.

I'm trying to get the site listed in my profile indexed on

Any advice please?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Software engineering schedules aren't like phases of the moon. As it happened, the editor scripts came up earlier than expected, the public scripts are later.

The usual advice: wait until the announcement that the public scripts are again functioning. You can ask when staff will be finished, but it would be pretty pointless because (1) editors don't know, and (2) staff is not going to drop their work to tell us when they think it would have been finished if they hadn't dropped everything to tell us when they thought it would be finished.

I'd expect it to be functional some time this week, but I'd be VERY surprised if I could predict the exact day, let alone hour.
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