Backlog status


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, there are no good ideas to be had that way.

The submittal policies tell you all you need to know. Submit only after finishing the site. Any other ideas you have are by definition bad--not to mention antisocial, rude, and downright ineffective if not positively counterproductive.

Once the site is finished, you are under no compulsion to submit ever, let alone at any particular time. If it'a a good site, we'll appreciate the help whenever -- if not, we'll tolerate the inconvenience the submittal caused us.


Apr 15, 2003
I rejected two sites in the last two days that were under construction, submitted because the owner was trying to get the site in the "queue" and assumming it would not be reviewed real fast. I do a quick review of all sites within a day or two of submission to ensure that they are working, and are generally in the correct category, even though I may not do a full review until some later time.

One of those sites had been submitted twice in the last month to two diffferent categories. Each time he submits, he gets a note attached to his site that it was rejected. This is not a good thing for him to do, since when it eventually is complete he will be reviewed in great detail to ensure it really is completed.

It's not a good idea to try and outguess what editors are going to do and whn they are going to do it.


Nov 16, 2004
Wasn't clear on question

I've submitted one other site before and it took 9 months to be reviewed. The category was backlogged... My new site is completed and I have submitted it now, I guess I was trying to gauge how backlogged that category was, that's what I meant by "not making a difference if now or 2 months from now". Sorry for not being clear...I was not suggesting that I would enter a site under contruction.... Thanks for you comments though...


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