Banned and No contact When I Lost My Editorship

If anyone can help me with this problem, I would greatly appreciate it...
I was an editor of a shopping/prescription drug category and, of course, most editors know that these categories are used and abused for personal gain and monetary reasons.
I was the editor of this category for over a year and a half. The only complaints or controversy I ever received while being this editor was the occasional irritated "affiliate" submitting thier website, knowing good and well that I would reject it. Other than that, I would keep pretty good control of the category and relevance of the sites listed.
Then, one day I try to log in and my password doesn't work. Not only that, but I receive an email from an annonomous email service address, like "" or something similar saying, "$*@% you you muther&*$&@^!, you got what you deserve" and then a few more curse words....
Since then, I've emailed Dmoz and anyone at their staff to try and resolve this issue >>>> Nothing! I've heard nothing, no emails, no explanations, nothing.
Can someone please help me finally put this to rest? I was only an editor, not a selfish person wanting to list websites for monetary reasons. If nothing else comes out of this, then maybe at least I can find out who got me banned and the reason why.


My category was the: shopping/propecia category (which no longer exists)


You can request reinstatement here:

Needless to say, no DMOZ communication would ever be phrased in such a fashion, though of course there are people who send harassing emails to editors. It's very irksome, but it's best to ignore it. (If an editor is threatened by anyone, or harassed by a fellow editor, they should report it to a meta.)


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
Read this newsletter article for some reasons for why this happened. As it's explained both there and guidelines, no-one is allowed to divulge the details.

Added: Needless to say that sort of communications is against guidelines. Feel free to contact a meta regarding this sort of communications.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm not sure what you mean by "banned."

If you were deliberately removed as editor, the article above lists the usual reasons. There would not have been any notice.

It may have been that you didn't edit for several months, and your userid was inactivated. There would not have been any notice, which makes it hard for someone not knowing the circumstances to tell whether it was this or the first case.

It may have been that you resigned from, or were dropped (by human error or software bug) from all your categories. In the nature of this case, you wouldn't get any notice, which makes it hard for ANYONE to distinguish it from the other cases. You can request reinstatement (in the latter two cases, unless your edits were very bad, metas generally comply): but if all your categories are gone, be prepared to also request a new category.
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