Becoming an editor

Do you have to find the 3 sites searching the internet?

Wouldn't be easier to look in the Directory and suggest the sites that don't belong there? <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Removing/moving sites that don't belong in a given category is only part of what an editor does. The 3 URLs you provide in your application demonstrate your ability to find relevent sites and write reasonable titles and descriptions for them, which is the bulk of what most editors do.

To me it looks like most of the editors don't have time to manage the submitted sites...

I suppose the site you find can't be listed in the Directory ?


Mar 1, 2002
I suppose the site you find can't be listed in the Directory ?

That's the idea.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Some people think of the volunteer application as like applying for a job: where the "sample websites" are your portfolio, credentials and resume all in one. But it's a little worse than that. You're not applying for a job so much as proposing that a new job be created: so you show that work needs to be done.

If there are sites that no longer belong there, explain where they should go [to the bit bucket being one possibility] and why. And that is part of an editor's job -- but not all.

One of the things we're looking for, is whether you really can bring new knowledge and effort to the category -- can _you_, on your own initiative, find appropriate sites and add them. Because we're not here to process submittals! (a thing many site submitters utterly fail to understand) We're here to build a directory. If there were no help at all from the outside (and no hindrance from dead domains, hijackers, etc.), do you have the confidence to discover and declare what constructive thing you could do with that category -- that all the other editors hadn't the time or inclination to do?


I'm uncertain as to where to enter these? I've a few questions, do forgive me if they're in the wrong place.

I looked at the application form on and I am confused about some things.

Does a person have to be a Webmaster to be accepted? I know a little html, but don't own a domain or something like that.

I'm not interested in editing sections related to my job. Are hobbies or other things OK?

How much time is required to be a member?

Secondly, if I become an editor...are netscape and aol going to spam my mailbox.

I'm not intending to be rude, so please don't take it that way.



Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Does a person have to be a Webmaster to be accepted?
No. Just having a bit experience in using a web-browser is enough.

Are hobbies or other things OK?
Yeah, of course. Thats what a lot of editors prefer. I think I never actually edited anywhere in the microelectronics categories... :)

How much time is required to be a member?
As much as you want to give. Not more and not less. [In other words: No limit. For technical reasons accounts are deactivated after a certain amount of not-editing, but that won't normally occur to anyone who is more or less active]

are netscape and aol going to spam my mailbox.
No. I did not receive a single spam mail on my account (a mailadress that is only entered in my ODP profile, nowhere else).

And: We like answering questions of someone who wants to become an editor. He might lend us a hand and help editing the biggest human-made directory in the web <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


I set up an application shortly after Windharps helpful reply. Thanks <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /> I never recieved any email from the ODP team and assume that I was rejected (no offense taken here). <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" /> I should take more time to read the project guidelines and add another editing request. How much time should I allow before sending another request?



May 26, 2002
Some email from the ODP gets inadvertantly caught by ISPs spam filters.

You should have received an email to say that you had applied, and that you must reply to that email for the application to be put into the application queue.

Did you at least get that email and reply to it?

If you answer "no" to either, or both, of those questions then the ODP has never received your application!

If you answer "yes" to both questions, then the application was probably received at the ODP. You should then have received an email confirming that the application was received. If this email is missing, either your confirmation [/i]email wasn't received by the ODP to push your application into the queue, or the confirmation email from the ODP back to you was eaten by your ISP.

For an appliaction that does make it into the queue, there are then several possible outcomes:

If you haven't received any other mail since then, then either your application is still in the queue awaiting review, or it has been rejected. I believe that most Meta editors send a standard rejection form email, but often add a few application-specific notes to the end. Your ISP may have blocked that email.

It is also possible that you were accepted but your ISP dumped the acceptance mail. A small number of accepted editors never log in to their account once accepted.

There is another possibility that could have occurred in all the server changes occurring in recent weeks: that a glitch or bug simply ate the application for breakfast. Unlikely but not impossible.

Post details of editor name chosen, and category applied for, and someone with access might be able to check it for you.

When/if you get confirmation that previous applications are all dealt with, then feel free to apply again. Keep copies of all the forms you fill in (cut and paste to text editor).

Good Luck!


Interesting about the SPAM filters! My email hosting account uses one <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> I never got a return reply on my editing application. I have chosen George1 as my user name. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />



DMOZ Meta/kMeta
Curlie Meta
Apr 3, 2002
There is no application by that name pending. As giz said, "You should have received an email to say that you had applied, and that you must reply to that email for the application to be put into the application queue".

If you consider applying again -- please do so <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> -- it would probably be best to get another, free e-mail address and give it in your application.


I wanted to thank everyone. I volunteered today and was approved to edit a section! <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />



May 26, 2002
Heh! Welcome on board. Glad the long answer helped out.

Don't get inundated with the massive number of things to look at and read up on. Be aware that there is the odd glitch here and there with server changes going on. Don't panic if something doesn't work quite as expected first time. It is quite difficult to truly break anything.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
...and pretty well anything you do can be undone again if needs be <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />.

Have fun.
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