Best caregory for url


Jun 28, 2004
I wondered if somebody could help me list my website in the most appropriate category. I have submitted my site about three times over the last 18 months leaving an appropriate time lapse inbetween each submission. I can only assume that i'm submitting to the wrong categories and thus not getting listed.
My web url is
I offer lots of free graphics and photographs.
I have links to sites where i sell clipart and graphics for a small fee.
And i have links to gift items that can be purchased with my designs on them.
It's very difficult knowing where to place my site. Do i put it in a category offering free graphics, or a shopping category, or a commercial clipart category. Help from the experts would be most appreciated as i have been trying for over 18 months now to get my site listed in the dmoz directory :eek:



Apr 15, 2003
..leaving an appropriate time lapse inbetween each submission
Since the guidelines say not to keep resubmitting, there is no such thing as an appropriate time.

Your site was reviewed some time ago, and rejected for lack of content. Linking to other websites does not provide content, we would just list those other sites instead.

The bluk of the clipart is from other providers linked with an affiliate code.

You actually do not sell mugs and T-shirts directly, you just link to Cafepress or zazzle.

There are some free photos on the sites, but they are low res and lost among the affiliate links. I'm not sure your site is listable anywhere.


Jun 28, 2004
Thanks for the response.
I offer a lot of free web graphics from my website as well as the photos.
As for the clipart that i link to, it is my own clipart that is available for sale on other websites that offer such facilities as processing orders that i am not set up for. The gift items that i link to are also items that contain my own designs. None of my links are regular affiliate links, they are links to my own content which is available in at various different websites. People who visit my site can get free graphics or be directed to where they can purchase more of my work in different formats.


Apr 15, 2003
If an auhor creates a web site for his/her book and sells from that web sites, it's listable. If however, that site links to Amazon for book sales, it's not listable.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
OK, the site has been suggested -- sounds like an editor working in the right area will appreciate it. But now it's a matter of waiting for an editor to be working in that area.

If you submit to the wrong category, we move it to the right one. So there's no need for repeated submittals -- however, if we see a pattern that looks like "drive-by shotgun spamming" (site submitted to multiple semi-plausible categories) we stop trying to sort each separate pellet to the right victim, and just start sweeping up the mess. As a result, sometimes ALL the submittals accidentally get lost, because we can't tell whether we got all of them yet. Once you get into that mode, there is really no way to get out of it -- we HAVE to clean up the mess, and anything you do can't help but look like making the mess worse. So -- DON'T get into that mode.

Just stop, tell us one category you submitted to, and watch that submittal's status.


Jun 28, 2004
My apologies for resubmitting my site to different categories. I was was not trying to spam the system, but i thought that if i didn't submit to the correct category my site would not get accepted, so i figured i would have to keep trying until i got the right category.
I wonder if you could give me some tips on what i could do to improve my sites chance of being listed and having taking the necessary steps would i then need to resubmit my site seeing as it has already been rejected.
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