Best category for a "Build Your Own Storefront"



Hi there. I'm hoping it's appropriate to ask this here, I just can't find an approriate category and wouldn't know what to call it even if there was one.

In essence, I've built a system on my web site so that people who sell (new or used) books, cd's, etc. through Amazon's Marketplace can build a homepage for free. It's like the Amazon storefront, but it's got some features that Amazon doesn't offer, plus, Amazon feeds me all of their listings, so they don't have to worry about extra work. It's free for the seller and there aren't any downloads or anything like that. The person creates a username and password, plugs in their Amazon seller ID and pickes the articles and other things they want listed on their page. Blah Blah - all the other features that I'm not going to go into - that's probably enough to get the idea...

Anyway, I have no idea what to list this under. It's not an auction as it won't list Auction items, yet. It's not really a homepage service, though it kind of is though it's only good for Amazon sellers. <shrug>

Does anyone here have a suggestion for me? I don't think I'm supposed to post URL's here, so I won't for now, but if I should, I'll check back later and add it, or if you can offer a suggestion based on my description, that would be great!

Thanks in advance!


Mar 26, 2002

It helps if you do post the URL <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Re: Best category for a "Build Your Own Storefront

I would not list that anywhere, personally - unless you can provide compelling reasons on that page why users should choose your site over

In this case the argument would be for the fact that this site provides users with a free service where they can use their Amazon seller accounts.

....but Amazon already provides that service - why would visitors choose *your* service over Amazon's? There is nothing unique about offering people to have a place where they can sell their stuff - already does that, also for free (there is no listing fee for zShops, you have to pay when you register, but they'd have to pay Amazon to use your site, too, as they'd have to register their 'seller' accounts).

You mention 'some features that does not offer' - what exactly are these features, as I fail to see the difference from just a cursory glance at both and your site (if you don't count that they were obviously written by different people <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> )


Mar 1, 2002
Re: Best category for a "Build Your Own Storefront

Here, your shop can be filled with all sorts of optional content including the latest movie reviews, entertainment and celebrity articles, weekly "Now in Theaters" and "Now on Video" articles, Weekend Box office Estimates, and more! We provide the content, you just need to keep your Amazon zShop up to date.

I think that would be considered unique content. You can't customize a ZShop at Amazon with movie reviews, etc.

Re: Best category for a "Build Your Own Storefront

Ahhh I see! Thanks for pointing that out apeuro - I guess that's what I get for casting a 'cursory' glance. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

I would imagine such a site would go somewhere in Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Authoring/Online_Tools/Commercial ?


Re: Best category for a "Build Your Own Storefront

Thanks for that category suggestion. I'll hold off til early next week when I pull the "BETA" words off the page and do a little more coding on a couple of things, so if there are other suggestions, I'd like to hear those, too.


P.S. Amazon doesn't charge to list products, but if you want a proper storefront with category browsing and a nice little "home page" they charge $35 a month or something like that. That $35 a month page lets people list custom items that aren't in the Amazon catalog, which my feed won't display, but it is a good "Middle Option" for people, I think. It's still new, so there are lots of things I'd like to add, as well.

I'll check back early next week before I submit to that category in case there are other suggestions!

Thanks again, all!

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