Best category for consulttheguru


Dec 29, 2004
In December 04, I submitted to:

At the time, I was really optimistic that the unique service provided through this site (there are lots of PR and marketing agencies with websites, but none that I've been able to find offering a completely online consultancy service), together with the growing information resource it contains, would mean that someone, somewhere, would think this is an important one to list.

8 months later, and optimism is being replaced by realism!

This isn't a site submission status request by another name. I did one of those back in February, so I know it's in the queue. I also know that you get zillions to review every day, that posting here makes no difference to the speed a site will get looked at, and that in most cases, the answer is to wait ad infinitum.

However, I see in the FAQs that there is the option to resubmit one time only (at the risk of being knocked down the list). So I wonder whether my original submission is being delayed by the popularity of the category I submitted to, and if that is the case, whether it might lead to a faster listing if I were to resubmit to a different (but still totally appropriate) category - either:


My worry with the latter is that we offer a global service (have been consulted by companies as far away as Australia, USA and Africa) - and if we list under London, we might be limiting ourselves.

I don't suppose you can tell me whether a specific category is generally being dealt with faster than another, so I don't expect you can tell me whether the Public_Relations category would get looked at quicker. But can you say in general whether more precise geographical locations are generally listed faster than those where geographical location is unspecified?

And either way, can you tell me whether a specific geographical location listing such as London might be a stepping stone to a global listing for a global service such as ours, or does it make no difference at all.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You've already suggested your site to the one best category. There's no point additionally suggesting it to some other un-best category for tactical reasons; the editor will only move it back again.

I note the address on your website is that of your registered office, which in UK is usually a solicitor's or some such. It's not evident that customers are serviced from there so an additional listing suggestion within London/Richmond is unlikely to be accepted.

I take it that you haven't additionally suggested that we list . That would not be good.


Dec 29, 2004
OK - well, we are a public relations-led consultancy, so I didn't feel that the PR category would be un-best. But I hadn't realised that it would just get moved back by the editor, so thanks for that.

As regards the address, we put 'registered' to give people the confidence that we have a real life registered address. It is actually our office, and not that of a solicitor or agent. Having said that, you're right, the nature of our business is such that we can and do service enquiries from anywhere we can connect to the Internet - not just the office.

As regards To be honest, I can't remember if I ever submitted that one. I don't think so. But if I did, it was before was rendered obsolete by (in other words, not a nefarious attempt to double our chances of a listing, just the right site to submit at the time). Clearly, if is in the odp queue, it should be removed, as it is no longer of any value to the list. Just serves to redirect potential customers of our old business.

Thanks for the advice Jim. I shall now get back in my box!
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