Best way to submit to a category with no Editor



A couple of days ago I submitted my site to a category that has no editor. There are a couple of other categories that are "pretty close" but none of them have editors either so I opted for the most appropriate for my site. Would it be cool for me to email the editor of the upper level category to say, "Hi there, I submitted to blah-blah category but it has no editor, please take a look". Or would that be an ODP faux pax? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
You can do if you want. Reaction will depend on the editor. I for myself just would delete the mail without caring for it, I don't review sites on request. Some editors may be annoyed by those requests, some people might look into the category.

Keep in mind, most high level editors are quite busy, investing a lot of work into this project.


So, let me ask this. If a category does not have an editor and a new site is submitted, does the new submission wait until a new editor is appointed or until the upper-level editor has the time to review the new submissions for those non-editor categories?


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Any editor higher in the tree, as well as meta and editall editors have access. Eventually someone will do some work on that category, when that will be (since we are all volunteer) is another question--and one that has no answer. Some categories are edited more often by "other" editors than by the "listed" editor, seeing a name there isn't a guarantee that a site will be promptly reviewed. Editors have personal lives also, and it is up to the editor how much time is spent online. For instance, I have "pet areas" that I like to visit and edit in--and they appear to not be tended by any specific editor.

There is never any way to know for sure how long it will take, but definately you should only submit to the one appropriate place. Even if you were to submit to a less appropriate spot because there was an editor listed, it would just mean waiting until that editor would move your site to what they deemed appropriate and it would wait all over again which could actually take more time in the long run.


Re: Best way to submit to a category with no Edito

Please also keep in mind pyewacket, that category structures are created to allow the most precise and logical placement of websites. Often an editor will start in a category that has few sites, and over the course of time accumulate a large number sites so that the category needs to be split into more divisions. The editor reviews all the sites and makes a judgement as to the best means of classifying by subject, then goes through and disperses them to sub-categories. Having done that, they do not go and list themselves as the editor of each sub-category (we hope!), yet each of those categories has an editor - don't they?

If we have category:

-- Politically correct
----Peppermint (editor whatsis)
-- Politically incorrect
-- Politically ignorant (editor whosis)

Would it make sense to submit a Politically Incorrect Green website to category Politically Correct Peppermint just because editor whatsis is working there???? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />

Two things are of paramount importance when submitting - correct placement and correct category title and description. If you submit a well-described and titled site to the correct category, your chances of getting quick acceptance increase enormously.

If you choose not to do this, then take your medicine and kindly go away and don't bother the busy people. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Hi - I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who responded to my questions. As I said, I submitted my site a few days ago but I had a hard time choosing between two categories so I hope I picked the right one. Neither category had an editor so that was not a deciding factor. Now I guess I will wait to see what happens. Thanks again!
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