Blacklisted / Red Marked


Aug 13, 2006

I used to be a DMOZ editor.

When I was an editor, I submitted my own site to a categroy unrelated to the one I was editing (I edited scouting categories, and the site I submitted was about international phonecalls).

I remember that the site I submitted was redmarked or blacklisted (I can't remember the exact term) because it was considered a clone of a long distance phone call service called Just-Dial.

Since then, the focus of the site has changed completely, and it's about explaining various mobile phone deals, and largely explaining how the cashback systems work on mobile phone deals. I wanted to submit it to the UK mobile phones shopping category, but I assume it is still blacklisted, so won't be looked at.

Does anyone know how this blacklisting works, and whether it's possible for it to be removed? If I had a completely new web address, I think my site would have been accepted, but because I used the old brand, it hasn't been.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
it's about explaining various mobile phone deals, and largely explaining how the cashback systems work on mobile phone deals.
From your description, that wouldn't be eligible for a Shopping listing anyway.

Yes, if a site has entirely changed emphasis, it is possible for our internal records to be amended. Simply explain why they should be as part of the description [like this]. The evaluating editor should then pass it up to somebody more senior. Getting a new domain name is probably more expedient though.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.