Blatant abuse of the ODP


Nov 1, 2008
I've been trying to get my site listed for over 2 years with no response from anyone. I just read on wikipedia that:

"as of October 2007,, a news aggregation site operated by ODP founder Rich Skrenta, has more than 10,000 listings"

And, Lo and behold:

Now, please, can someone explain to me how this is allowed to happen?


Apr 5, 2004
This issue has been raised many many times here, so you might like to read some of the previous replies.
In summary: as a founder of ODP and a former staff member, Rich Skrenta was apparently entitled to add such sites as he chose. He is not an editor, so it is not editorial abuse.

There is no official policy regarding such listings now, but volunteers are expected to regard them as they do all other sites, no more, no less.

Believe me when I say that many of the past and present actions of staff are poorly understood by volunteers, but there is no requirement for them to keep us informed of their reasons or decisions. If you would like to know more, I suggest you write to AOL staff, but we are unable to do more on this matter than we already have.

The Topix topic has been done to death in this forum, so I'm closing this thread as it will add nothing new or useful.

<Added> By the way, evidence of abuse involving volunteer editors should be reported using the proper system, not here.
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