
Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Reviewed and not listed. That would be the right category for content on that subject, which, unfortunately, at the time of review the site didn't have. (It is still definitely on the content-lite side.)


Jun 9, 2004
So i am a little confused, does that mean if i had a content-heavy site that i would have been review and posted faster than a content-lite site?



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
No. The speed of the review would not have been affected. However, a content-heavy site would have had a chance to be listed, whereas yours was judged too light on content for inclusion.

If and when you have added more content to your site, you may submit it again. Hope that made it clearer.


Jan 23, 2003
No, it simply means that an editor looked at your site, found it lacking in content, and declined to list it.

This is generally fixable (there are no absolutes!).

Put your website on a strict diet of unique content, avoiding the temptation to load up on affilate calories, and when it has really bulked up, submit again to the same category and an eidtor will (in time) take a fresh look at it. When you do resubmit, make sure you mention the new content in the description space, and be sure that even a grumpy old editor, like myself, can easily find it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I hesitate to even respond; if you got _that_ from my post you are truly a wizard with words.

It's basically a classified ads sight, right? When the editor reviewed it, there were no (or next to no) ads, or at least so the story goes. (Obviously I didn't look at it at the time and cannot confirm of my own knowledge.)

Now, there are several ads. Is this enough to be listed? Well, certainly not ... IF, that is, there were better classified ads sites available.

Now, there is no dearth of classified ads sites: in fact, there are enough that all of them must be presumed to be spam. We know that there must be exceptions somewhere, so we have to look at each one. But we know there are lots more non-exceptions, so we aren't going to look at each one very long.

On this subject: with a very brief look I didn't find a better classified ads site, so arguably the issue is still open. Unique content, ... hardly, barely, maybe. Unique focus: conceivably, possibly, unlikely. What does that add up to?

A guaranteed listing? No, absolutely not.

A possible future listing, after an editor experienced in real estate and wise in the ways of the spammer has done some serious reviewing (not of just this sites, but of other sites offering content on a similar topic)? NOT absolutely not.

The advice given is good: get more ads. Consider linking to the competition: it will make your site a potential portal for users, and for editors it will make it obvious whether your site really is the richest in content.

There's no guarantee of a time for a review (or re-review). Many editors often triage -- handle the obvious moves and deletes first, then review the obvious uniques, then tackle the tougher decisions. So yes, sometimes a site might take longer to review because of its richness or variety of content. But on a different day another editor might list a site quickly because of its valuable content. If you want predictions like that, check your crystal ball, because mine is broken.


Jun 9, 2004
Thanks, I will work on building the site up to include good unique content with more real estate listings - then resubmit.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.