Boy was I wrong...


Nov 16, 2007
I’m new to this forum. I have spent quite a bit of time tonight reading posts from angry website owners, some with conspiracy theories, in the Quality Control Feedback thread. I was drawn to this particular thread because I too questioned ODP and the editor of the category that I feel I would fit best in. I even reported possible editor abuse, although I did confess in my report that I don’t know if its abuse or if I’m simply interpreting the category incorrectly.

Brief description of my situation – I work for an online retailer. We do not have a brick and mortar store of any kind. We are currently listed in the regional category where our warehouse is located, which I believe is the wrong category for us based on ODP category definitions. We were in the most accurate category for us (based on our primary product focus) for a short time, but mysteriously went back to the regional category recently.

In all honesty, my goal in reading Quality Control Feedback was to be convinced that corrupt editors exist. Instead, I found website owners attacking editors/ODP and asking redundant questions that are already answered multiple times throughout this forum. Instead of gathering ammunition for my anger, I’m embarrassed. Unfortunately, I didn’t know this forum existed before I reported possible abuse.

So, to the editor I reported and to ODP, my apologies. Reading this forum has been educational. It looks like you have your work cut out for you. Thanks for volunteering your time and skills.
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