
Hello to all. My first post here. Found this forum at webmasterworld. I was never one to use these kind of boards until I finally started posting and realized how useful it is. To my query. Just wondering how long the waiting list is for the catergory I submited to. I don't remember the exact one I submited to. If you need the catergory, I'll go dig down again and find it. The url is: . I'm pretty sure I submited to the right catergory. Thanx!


Re: Status of bridal site.

I don't edit that area, so can't see the queues, but can say that no one has looked at you site yet. It hasn't been accepted or rejected.
Sorry you'll just have to wait a bit longer.

Someone else may be able to provide more info.


Re: Status of bridal site.

Thank you gimmster. I was thinking of trying to become an editor myself. I'm sure you guys/gals could use all the help you can get. Would it be wrong to apply to the category I submitted the bridal site in. Of course I would probably want to edit my site right away, but I am knowledgable in the category and my reasons for wanting to become an editor do not stem from wanting a faster listing. The job sounds pretty fun

Re: Status of bridal site.

Yeah, you did. About 150 sites pending where you submitted.
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