Broken Category


Aug 14, 2008
hi :)

When I search for my website <url removed> at the ODP I get 3 search results.
One of the search results shows a link to the page <url removed>
and it shows that this listing would be in a category
Society: Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual: Travel: Destinations: Middle East: Israel at,_Lesbian,_and_Bisexual/Travel/Destinations/Middle_East/Israel/
But when I visit this category it says "The page you attempted to access does not exist on this site."

What I wanted to do was to visit this category page and submit a request to remove the link to the page <url removed>. But this is not possible because thecategory page doesnt exist.

There are 6 Urls that are important for my website. The ODP currently shows only 2 of the 6 important Urls. But the ODP has 2 links to irrelavant pages of <url removed>. Because I highly appreciate the ODP I wish to remove the 2 irrelevant lisings

Earlier, using the update url form at,_Lesbian,_and_Bisexual/
I requested to remove the gayguide listing for
<url removed>
but requesed at the same time to add a link to <url removed>
at another category page, which is,_Lesbian,_and_Bisexual/Travel/Destinations/Europe/Czech_Republic/

<discussion of the merits of a specific site removed, as it is against the ToS for this forum>

I hope that a editor or a group of editors will consider the requests
for removals and additions.

Thank you for your time.

Have a very nice day,
Jean Jacques Soukup


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Discussions of specific sites are against the terms of services for this forum, so unfortunately I had to remove parts of your post; the alternative would have been to remove the entire post.

The URL you requested an update for using the Update URL form will be re-reviewed by an editor at some point, but I'm afraid it is impossible to predict who will perform the review or when it will happen. Update requests are however usually given priority by editors.

The search result that pointed to Society: Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual: Travel: Destinations: Middle East: Israel was probably the result of the delay in updating the search - the search database is updated about once a week. If you perform the search now I don't think you'll get a link to the old category, because there was an update yesterday.

Whether a domain is deeplinked or not is a case-by-case decision for the editors to make, based on the content of the site and its relevance to the possibly appropriate categories, and we do ask people not to suggest deeplinks of their sites. Thank you! :)
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