broken link in search results?



Hello Editors,
we have submitted my wifes site some months ago. If I search for her name "Ana de Medeiros" with DMOZ search, I find her located at: see search result here
Clicking that link gives a 404 error while the direct link to her site works.

Problem 2:
Google Directory shows a similar link when searching for "Ana de Medeiros" this link also shows the page description of DMOZ for her site, but she is not listed on the page.
Obviously the two pages (DMOZ<->Google) for that category differ in about 80% of all entries. What's wrong here, are these problems possibly related to each other?


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Known problems.

1) Encoding problem - every link including special characters (german Umlaut for example) do not work. We have been told that its a matter of a double redirection and will be solved once the server upgrade is fully completed. (See this thread for a similar problem.)

2) The ODP public server are out of synch. The problem is known and is worked on. At the moment Google is more up to date than our own servers. (Silly, huh?)

Btw: Wir haben hier auch ein deutschsprachiges Forum, weiter unten auf der Übersichtsseite.


Thanks for taking the time. So I guess we'll just have to wait...

Found the german forum after I did already send my message. I will use it for further questions.
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