Broken Links



While you're at it, in the category:

there are several broken links (in the form of domains for sale kind of thing) and/or deeplinks starting with These are listed as "sister sites" within which itself is already listed in:

as Bali Online. (Location about 3/4 down on page)

Also within this same cat, the last entry, 4th from last, and Balimosaic all seem to be dead.

Bali Travel Hints looks like a redirect.

Bali Paradise online is listed twice. The entry above it (Bali Paradise) redirects to the same url.

Bali Holidays is mistitled, I believe; should be Bali Today.

Bali Globetrotter has closed operations.

I'm not trying to be overly picky, just looking for a few decent guide sites for a return trip to Bali in a few months, and the less clutter the better for all.

>>Also within this same cat, the last entry, 4th from last, and Balimosaic all seem to be dead.
Bali Travel Hints looks like a redirect.
Bali Paradise online is listed twice. The entry above it (Bali Paradise) redirects to the same url.
Bali Holidays is mistitled, I believe; should be Bali Today.
Bali Globetrotter has closed operations.<<

These are done, although Bali Holidays is OK based on domain name - Bali today is not referenced on site.Bali Travel Hints is not a redirect. I'll look at it closer later.

The other issues I'm leaving for now. Brain is overloaded from lack of sleep.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>>I'm not trying to be overly picky, just looking for a few decent guide sites for a return trip to Bali in a few months, and the less clutter the better for all.

Do not apologize, please do not stop. This is exactly what public feedback was designed for.

I just removed three 'expired domains' as well, still looking at the situation.


Mar 25, 2002
I just searched for an editor profile of shortcircuit...
Here's the response:
No such editor
There was a problem with your form:
No such editor shortcircuit
<img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

Have you had a chance to check this other
forum Something to Consider


&gt;Do not apologize, please do not stop. This is exactly what public feedback was designed for.

Thanks, Hutcheson, and now here's some more for you.

Bali – Part II (Tour Operators/Cruises)

In the category,

The 4th entry, Bali Holiday, is essentially identical to the 8th entry, Bali Tropical. Same format with only slightly changed words/phrases.

Bali Tours and Travels (7th entry) returns server error.

Bali Vacation Villa … May or may not be luxury.

BaliTours and Travel Inc - I think I would title this one just Bali Tours and Travel. Also description needs help.

Benoa Lagoon Tours involves a redirect.

Exofly – Do we really know it’s the original and safest school in Bali?

Nuansa Bali Tour – sp itinerary.

Triple-X dive – Maybe go straight to the English page and forget the Japanese choice?

Wali Bali Tour – Omit ‘you’ and ‘especially Bali’.

Wayan Merta – Capitalize K, D and S.

WibisanaTours Bali - Expired domain.

In the category,

First entry involves a redirect.

Second entry may or may not involve a “beautiful hotel with astonishing view”.

Third entry - Offering cruise the Bali's waters, needs reworking.

Fourth entry – A45, too many ‘you’

Fifth entry – appears dead.

Sixth entry – also dead (same domain as #5)

Seventh entry - redirects to a German language site. The description should be stricken and rewritten completely.

Last entry is primarily about an accommodation and not the cruises(sp) in the title and description.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Bali Vacation Villa … May or may not be luxury. -- CORRECTED
Exofly – Do we really know it’s the original and safest school in Bali? -- CORRECTED
Nuansa Bali Tour – sp itinerary. -- CORRECTED
Triple-X dive – Maybe go straight to the English page and forget the Japanese choice? -- FINE AS IT IS

That's as far as I could get since I'm having trouble connecting to the ODP now.


Mar 25, 2002
&gt;&gt;Triple-X dive &amp;#8211; Maybe go straight to the English page and forget the Japanese choice? -- FINE AS IT IS &lt;&lt;

I just wanted to say that the reason we don't go straight to the English page is so we can see the URL propagation in the directory - i.e. that it is also listed under World/Japanese.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
OK, continuing on now that is available again...

The 4th entry, Bali Holiday, is essentially identical to the 8th entry, Bali Tropical. Same format with only slightly changed words/phrases -- will look into
Bali Tours and Travels (7th entry) returns server error -- moved to unreviewed for now
BaliTours and Travel Inc - I think I would title this one just Bali Tours and Travel. Also description needs help. -- it's OK to include Inc. in the title if that is part of the company's name but in this case it isn't -- corrected
Benoa Lagoon Tours involves a redirect. -- Corrected
Wali Bali Tour -- description updated
Wayan Merta – Capitalize K, D and S. -- description rewritten
WibisanaTours Bali - Expired domain -- Removed

Rather than detailing the rest (and since there are other corrections that need making in the area), I'll just say that I'm going through the whole Bali Tour Operators category (including the Cruises subcat). So, in short, it's all being taken care of.


Thanks motsa and gimmster (earlier) for promptly attending to various category issues I brought up - Bali is looking a lot better as a result.

I intend to continue just a bit further later on as there are problems in the Travel Agent cat (like expired domains and dead links). I haven't decided whether or not to open up the can of worms relating to hotels and resorts. The main thing I noticed at first glance is that there are quite a few very large resorts that are listed under the hotels category for some reason. I probably would simply continue on the way I have to identify readily correctable problems.

Later and keep up the good work.


Jul 7, 2002
Have you considered becoming an editor yourself? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Actually, there's no need for you to continue with Bali issues. I'm planning on continuing through the rest of the Bali categories anyway and will correct anything that needs correcting as I trip across them. Give me a week or two to finish working through the categories and if you still see problems, drop me a line.

Yep, I hadn't ignored them either, but being in the middle of a bushfire and having to recharge a laptop every day from a generator hasn't helped me get any editing done. Soon I hope. (we just got power back after 6 days).
<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


&gt;Have you considered becoming an editor yourself?

Well, yes I did. I also thought about how long the app. process might take as well as the more than likely probability I wouldn't get in anyway. So rather than waste a lot of time, I've chosen to contribute this way (until it ceases to be a positive contribution). I'm enjoying myself doing it, so why not?

Moving on to Chile, especially Valparaiso

In the cat,

Second entry appears to be under construction (in Espanol too)

In the cat,

Third entry appears dead

Fourth entry – title shouldn’t be ‘University of Cambridge’ right?

In the cat,

First entry redirects to a glass, steel and stone site

Second site is based in Miami, not Chile and definitely not Valp’so

Third entry – cap. Easter in desc.

Ninth entry is really the same domain as the 7th one (Nova) and same domains in one cat aren't done as I recall reading.

In the cat,

This page has a very interesting set of links of which I intend to read about later on. It also would appear to have some of the longest descriptions in all of the ODP.

In the cat,

First entry can’t be found

That's all for now. These categories are obviously in better shape than Bali was before motsa got there (doing nice work too) but still need help.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
So rather than waste a lot of time, I've chosen to contribute this way (until it ceases to be a positive contribution).
Well, it's always going to be positive from our point of view so keep 'em coming until it stops being positive for you. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />


Chile – Part II (Santiago/Travel and Tourism). A few more problems/comments.

In the cat,

Third entry has the look and feel of a pure affiliate site. Someone else can make an assessment on this.

Fourth entry probably should be the truncated version of the site, ie as this way both language choices are present.

In the cat,

Second entry’s description is taken almost verbatim from the site’s sale pitch (Silvia’s)

In the cat,

Second entry, truncated version ie probably better than what’s listed (English version an option).

Third entry seems to be entirely in Espanol, couldn’t find an English version. So maybe delete or transfer to World.

Fifth entry (Almagro) is a site which domain is already listed separately in another cat,

Sixth entry (Valazquez) returned a “not found” error.

Eighth entry (Hyatt) should probably have its url reduced to The description is way too hypish as well.

Ninth entry (Intercontinental) seems to redirect to which could do without the ‘index.shtml’ I presume.

Tenth entry, (Kennedy) – ‘luxury rooms’ ought, at the very least, to have ‘air conditioning, remote control color TV’.

Twelfth entry (Manquehue) is a site which is already listed in

Thirteenth entry (Marriott) is a search result from their main page.

Fifteenth entry (Plaza San Fran) – way too much hype in the description.

Sixteenth entry (Principado) should be truncated to its main domain.

Seventeenth entry (Quito) should probably be truncated to domain and be called ‘Hostal’ rather than ‘Hotel”.

Eighteenth entry truncated to

Nineteenth entry is dead link. is OK, but all in Espanol and I couldn’t find an English language page.

Twentieth entry should be reduced to

Last entry should be changed to

In the cat,

Second entry is gone, apparently reverts to an ISP.

Third entry – even the site itself doesn’t say they’re ‘luxury’ apartments. Title should be ‘Santa Magdalena Apartment Hotel’


In a similar vein, almost all of the pages indexed under are now gone. The exceptions are the parent level page, and a placeholder page at . This latter page is linked to under Home: Gardens: Resources: History: Histories of Famous Gardens: Botanic Gardens, but I should note that I've already submitted a request for change in URL under the latter category, so I'm sure that the editor will get to it in due time. My main concern is all of the other broken links, which I was encouraged to suggest by the positive response to other's people posts of broken links.

I didn't see a way to submit a bulk of broken links on the site so I thought this might be the best way. Please feel free to correct me!
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