

Jul 16, 2006
I have submitted my site <URL Removed> to this catagory several times over the last three years. I understand that not every submission makes it on the DMOZ in a few days, but 3 years? Come on, either I am doing something wrong, or my site is seen as not holdihng any value. So I have decided to post a link on the DMOZ site. If anyone else is having this problem please add the link to the site that is not being listed.

Thank You,:D


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Jun 9, 2010
[Right here]

If you have suggested your site, you have done everything you need to do. It is best to forget about DMOZ and look for other methods of promoting your site. Since DMOZ is comprised of volunteer editors, there is no way to say exactly how long it takes for a suggestion to be reviewed. You should have a read over our FAQ.

I do not think it is a very good idea to encourage people to spam the DMOZ Wikipedia page with links to sites that have not been listed yet, I am pretty sure Wikipedia has rules against that.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm a bit puzzled. How is your site not being seen as having any value a problem? The fact is, 9 out of 10 site suggestions are of sites that have no apparent value. A priori, yours is an odds-on favorite to be among them.

You may not be aware that

(1) in submitting several times, you've reset your site suggestion date, so that (if an editor who cares about such things looks at it) it will seem to be a fresh transmittal.

(2) Mostly we don't care about such things anyway. If a site is listable now, who cares how long it has been up, let alone how long ago it was suggested (which is a very different and totally unrelated datum)?

And if a site doesn't have any value now, who could possibly care how long its owner had spent building something of no value?


Jul 16, 2006
3 years is just to long!

I guess my only response to those remarks is. Either DMOZ is a useful relevant tool, or it is not. If DMOZ is no longer a useful relevant tool then it will ultimately fail. Also changing the link on Wikipedia will not work. I have a relay set to repost every hour.

Thank You,

I mean 3 years, really is that just to long? You have to remember as editors you represent two public companies. So be proactive and take positive action!


Apr 15, 2003
Immature kid picks up some spray paint and goes around vandalizing walls.

Maybe your site should be red tagged to guarantee it's never listed.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Also changing the link on Wikipedia will not work. I have a relay set to repost every hour.
I'm absolutely puzzled as to how you think that spamming Wikipedia is going to do anything except piss off the mods/admins at Wikipedia. It's not going to get your site reviewed any more quickly so what's the point?

This certainly is not the spot to look for help. No thanks for all your help!
If help means finding (a) someone to review your site now or (b) someone to tell you why your site hasn't been listed yet (i.e. give you a status check, which we no longer do), then you're right -- this is not the place.


Apr 15, 2003
And vandalzing Google pages in Wikipedia seems another futile effort.

Perhaps you think that Google, DMOZ and Wikipedia are all the same entity.


May 26, 2002
>> I have a relay set to repost every hour. <<

You just labelled yourself as a spammer that does not care for the rules of how other websites allow content to be submitted.

My guess is that you also care not for the ODP rules, and that your statement of "submitted ... to this catagory(sic) several times over the last three years" is a gross understatement of the real number, and neglects to mention multiple submissions to other categories - in violation of our policies.


Jul 16, 2006
Maybe I was wrong

Allow me to address some of the shotgun assumptions made by the participants on this board. I have submitted to more than one directory thinking maybe I made a mistake with my first attempt. I have once received a comment about my site, the comment from an editor was that my Whois information was not filled out completely. I have since properly filled that information out. Still I have maybe submitted my site to the DMOZ less than 8 times in 4 years, or close to that number. So I do think I have been patient and responsible with my submissions. My competitors it seems have had their sites listed in a very short period of time, and that for me is frustrating. I do apologize for using Wikipeda as a tool to bring to light the problem that exists with attempting to be listed in DMOZ. My site is a tool used by several thousand unique visitors each day. Will it ever be listed in DMOZ?


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
If the site is listable according to the ODP listing guidelines: Yes, it will eventually be listed. We can't give any estimates when this will be, though. I am pretty sure the following has been said before, but anyway: More information on this can be found in the forum FAQ.


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
The only honest answer we can give is that we do not know when. By suggesting your site, you have done all you can. Essentially a listing is dependant on a review and a review of any one site is dependant on an editor spending enough time in that cat to work their way down to that site. We cannot predict that.

Our FAQ gives answers to the common questions and should give you a background feel for how we work.

We do not give status checks or advice on individual sites, othewise we would be deluged with enquiries. Nor is it usual for an editor to contact webmasters about their sites - mainly because we are about listing sites, not offering a website review service. It also can get fraught , communicating with disappointed webmasters (just look at some of the threads in this forum).



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I do apologize for using Wikipeda as a tool to bring to light the problem that exists with attempting to be listed in DMOZ.

No need to apologize to us for THAT. When it is Wikipedia that you have spammed and abused, it is the Wikipedia community that deserve restitution and remorse -- and after remorse and restitution, then an apology, to the right people, might conceivably mean something.

And we have a tool for bringing to light the difficulties in "attempting to be listed" at the ODP. It's called the "submission policies" and it says, right up front, NO SITE IS GUARANTEED A LISTING.

I don't know how you can get clearer than that. It's always impossible--not difficult!--to do anything that will make the editor give you a listing.


Jan 23, 2003
One thing you can do is to stop submitting.

Eight submission in four years is about six submissions too many,a nd you have more than sufficiently ruled out the ever-so-remote possibility of a single submission getting lost in the electronic fog.

There are a number of websites where experienced webmasters offer their thoughts on whether a given site is litable or not. These are far from official, and I would never vouch for their accuracy -- but a discerning webmaster can learn from having someone without a vested interest look at a site, and give their thoughts on listability.

There may, after all, be something that is obvious to us, but not obvious to you, that is keeping it from being listed.
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