cafeshops again (sorry)



Hello I posted some time ago about my request to be listed.
I am posting again for some advice and I will try not to go over old ground.Firstly my premium store has been up and running for quite some time now and I have established myself on the web the best i can without been listed on ODP My T shirt site is now a fulltime bussines.I was given the reasons why my store cant be listed but my hard work is now paying off and I feel my store should be reccognised on its own merrits I feel that my designs stand out from other PREMIUM cafeshop stores and i have tried to make the look and feel of my store as individual as possible.What I want to know is have I done enough and is it worth me resubmitting (I dont want to be a pain in the *ss).
If not can i suggest another category for My store and others like it perhaps humor- T shirts-T shirt designers?
Or could i submit under Artists or something
I hope you can help please take a look and tell me what you think. T-shirt-fetish Thank you....Mark


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
All you can do is submit your site to the one most appropriate category and someone will review it when they have a chance. As you may be aware, posting in RZ doesn't result in a site being immediately reviewed--it is to answer some general questions, discuss bugs, how to become an editor, check status, etc. Cafepress shops can be listed, but because there are so many content has to be reviewed as being outstanding from the others that are continually submitted. Someone editing in the area where you submit to will be the one to make that determination. It is very rare that they are listed but it is not absolutely impossible. All you can do is resubmit.


Aug 14, 2002
In order to do a status check, we need the name of the category to which you applied - If you have resubmitted and are asking for a status submission you should post the cat to which you submitted in your thread in the submission status forum.

If you want to know if we think your site is ready to be submitted again, I think the answer that kokopeli gave you is that we will not prereview sites here. If you think your site is ready, submit it. If you're not sure, work a little harder so that it undeniably qualifies.

This forum is a service to answer general questions about the directory, and to trouble shoot specific problems like lost submissions or sites which need to be moved or deleted because of a change of focus. It's not to preapprove sites before editors working in the categories review them or to give advice on how to design a site.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.