Can a non-adult site have adult links ?


Aug 2, 2002
I don't believe that Neil is correct here.

The Adult area of dmoz is designed mainly for pornography. Any site which carries content (images, text, audio, etc.) designed to arouse or titilate should be listed in Adult/, and not outside. Sites that contain bad language or non-sexual nudity should not be listed in the Adult area. We don't list a site in Adult/ just because it links to an adult site. We would only do that if the link itself contained explicit text or images.

The example used above contains a link to what may be a porn site using the wording "If you are looking for nude celebrity pictures then click here". This is not sufficient to get the site moved to Adult/.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
The specific guideline that would apply here is this one:

"Sites that exist to drive traffic to Adult sites should be listed in Adult. Sites that contain sexually explicit banner and sidebar ads should also be listed in Adult. However, sites that do not exist to drive traffic to adult sites, but may include non-sexually explicit points to adult sites, may be listed outside the Adult category. When you can't decide if an otherwise non-adult site containing adult links and banners should be listed in Adult or not, ask the question: "would this organization take the time and effort to make this web site available if they were not profiting off of the adult links and banners" -- if the answer is "no" then the site is a likely candidate for the Adult category. "


And, based on those guidelines motsa posted I'd say that this site is OK to list outside of Adult/. That guideline is mainly referring to sites which are effectively doorway pages to adult sites. In this specific case, the link appears incidental, and not the main purpose of this page.
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