Can Anyone Tell Me Why My Site Is Constantly Rejected? Please!


Apr 24, 2010

My name is Ben and I am a webmaster and writer. I have several sites, a few of which I have submitted to Dmoz over the last year (with no luck).

One of my sites is <url removed>. It is a site about a rare subset of physical urticaria. I have a hypersensitivity to heat, and this causes hives anytime I get hot, frustrated, nervous, etc.

This is by far the most comprehensive site on the web about this condition. I have tons of medical articles, a blog, a support forum with hundreds of members, and so much more. Doctors don't know much about it, and others suffering from this condition find my site to be a great resource to them.

People thank me for starting the site almost daily when they join, as they no longer feel alone in the world with an odd medical condition.

I have sumbitted multiple times, and have been ignored. After research on the web, I suspected that perhaps there was no editor for the category. So I applied as an editor, and I disclosed that I had a site I wanted to add in my application. I was willing to be ethical and work hard on this category because I am passionate about it.

My application was soon rejected.

I don't know what else to do. Everyone says this is an important directory, and I agree that it carries weight with major search engines.

I keep posting in this appropriate category:

There are very few sites in this category, and most are good resources. One resource is nothing more than a pitch page selling a book:

Stop And Smell The Roses - Living with Urticaria Pigmentosa. Find articles and information about a book.

Anyway, I have no idea why I keep getting rejected for both an editorship and site inclusion, especially when there are almost completely irrelevant sites listed.

I do have Adsense on my site, because I have to pay the bills somehow. But this is not a MFA site, and contains unique information you can't find anywhere else on the web. And I do not charge a fee, ask for donations, or have annoying popups or kontera link ads.

Can anyone help? Can anyone give me advice? I don't know what else to do at this point, and for the life of me, I can't understand why my site isn't being added. Even a few serious medical sites listed in the directory have linked to me.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> Can anyone give me advice?
Yes, read the FAQ (link at the top of this page), read the guidelines at DMOZ, read other threads with similar questions and the answers they got.
O and stop suggesting a website over and over again. We clearly ask you to suggest a website only once.


Apr 24, 2010
Thanks for that helpful and thoughful reply.

I haven't submitted one site multiple times, but I have submitted multiple sites (thank you very much). And I have only applied once as well. But it is enough to be frustrated as a webmaster.

I have read countless links on here and dmoz, none of which answer my questions. I was hoping for a little personal advice, but I guess that is asking too much.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
benniebob11 said:
I haven't submitted one site multiple times,
In your first post you clearly wrote "I have sumbitted multiple times" and "I keep posting in this appropriate category". For me that indicates that you did suggest the same website more than once.

You must have missed the question in our FAQ How long until my site will be reviewed? and its subquestions on

We can and will not help you with specifics about your website. You will have to wait just like everybody else until an editor will review the website.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I haven't submitted one site multiple times
You seem to have disremembered :)

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.


Apr 24, 2010
"I have submitted multiple times"--meaning I have submitted multiple sites.

"I keep posting in this appropriate category"--meaning I have applied to that category as an editor, and I submitted my site as well--whcih seems to me the only appropriate category, in addition to submitting other sites.

The only other submission I did was a year or two ago, and it was under an old domain name. I re-vamped the site and added a new domain, so naturally I submitted the new URL so they would review the right one. That's it.

I understand that this is a volunteer basis, but here is the problem: I would have been more than happy to pay a small editorial fee to cover the time or expense, or I would have been happy to take over editing the category myself. But I can't do either of those things, and it is just frustrating. For crying out loud, I may be dead in 2 years for all I know. So what we have here is a paradox: I can't get added because there are no editors. I can't be an editor to help with the editor problem. And round and round we go.

We can and will not help you with specifics about your website. You will have to wait just like everybody else until an editor will review the website.

I know it says that, but then I see countless posts on here with editors giving personal advice. I was just wondering if something was up I was missing, that's all.

Again, this is just frustrating for me because I feel the site is a quality site, and the fact that people say things like, "I am so happy I found this site" confirms that. I just wish it could be added, because it is the only site dedicated to this condition on the web.


Apr 5, 2004
I have submitted multiple sites.
Another point you seem to have missed each time you suggested a site (despite agreeing that you had read and understood the instructions) is this:
Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.
this is just frustrating for me
No, not just you. The fact that so many people repeatedly ignore the guidelines is very frustrating and time-wasting for volunteers as well.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.