Can I ask what is the purpose of


Sep 12, 2007
I think if the editors cannot help from this zone, It should be stopped. Becoz 99% peopel are dissatisfy from the answers. If it is not useful and cannot resolve the problems, So it should be stopped.

I really dont know, what is the basic purpose of the this zone, If editors have the same answer, Dont Send Private Messages, We Cannot Tell The Status, So why we are here to putting the questions and waiting for a soluble answer?

Sorry, to those who feel bad....



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
We decided to stop providing site suggestion status information a couple of years ago. If that's the reason you are here, and judging by your past posts you are, then, yes, you'll find no purpose to this site.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
If it is not useful and cannot resolve the problems, So it should be stopped.
Since the editors who contribute here are all volunteers, they presumably feel that are doing something useful by posting here. While that continues to be the case, I don't see why it should be shut down.

There are plenty of questions that can be asked and answered here, it's just that the status of site suggestions isn't one of them. It's unfortunate that lots of people come here with misconceptions as to what the ODP is about, and therefore aren't particularly please with some of the answers they get. Such people often tend be more vocal, and may even be in the majority, but I do beleive that there are a significant number of people who can be helped in one way of another by coming to this forum.


Nov 7, 2006
Most of the unsatisfied posters here are asking for a personal favoritism that we don't provide.

We can try to improve your understanding of the Directory and what editors do, and we can try to give you general advice about the kind of descriptions we'd like, and category selection, but we can't help you design your site to meet the Directory's criteria for inclusion or tell you the status of your particular site suggestion.

We try to build useful categories from a web surfers point of view, and the Directory encourages the public to submit a site suggestion for our consideration, but that doesn't mean we'll accept all suggestions. It has to be a good resource (in our eyes), and there is no way to predict when an editor might take a look at those suggestions.

I think all editors understand your disappointment and impatience, and do empathize with you, but, the value of the Directory to others has been built by using our current system of being selective.

When the Directory finds ways to improve its methods, I'm sure they will be implemented as quickly as possible, :).


Jun 15, 2006
i do find it very usefull.

please do not stop and do not listen to comments like that.

i know you don´t.


Jan 23, 2003
The R-Z provides a wealth of useful information about the project, how it works and how individuals can best interact with the ODP community.

What it does not do is provide individualized information such as status checks or site reviews.

The volunteer editors who contribute here give lots of useful, generic information on atopics such as how to suggest a site, how to update URLs, the types of sites we do and do not list, how the typical editor works, etc. We spend a lot of time restating the obvious (things that are already covered in the FAQ).

In addition to this topic area, we have a place were people regularly help us by identifying problematic listinGS (more than 3,600 postings) so if nothing else the R-Z in a great quality control resource.

New and returning editors have a place in the R-Z to have limited discussion on the status of their applications or reinstatement requests. Our seniormost editors provide valuable clarifying language and encourage worthy candidates to submit second or third applications (amazing the number of very successfull ODP editors who were not accepted on their first try).

The R-Z serves as an exceptionally valuable resource for non-Enlgish speakers who wish to discuss the ODP in their native languages.

It is also a place where our downstream data users can come and discuss their data needs -- and share information on tools and techniques with other data users.

Finally, it serves a valuable role as the place where the ODP can make official announcments directly to the user community.

I'm sorry that the R-Z did not meet your needs, but we certainly meet a lot of other needs for other visitors.

Shutting down the R-Z because it does not meet one particular need would be like trying to get Honda to stop selling the Honda 2000 sports car because it is not very useful at hauling gravel.


Sep 12, 2007
Well, I do respect all views and opinions. Either they are useful or not useful me. But now i will elaborate me more by quoting the real fact. I have launched the same site with Arabic version. And i couldnt stop me to surprise that after 10 days, it was listed (Arabic Version of my site). But its Englsih version, which i have submitted almost now more than 4 months ago, NOT listed.

So, what can now we all expect? From this conclusion it is very clear that my site do fullfill the standards.If not than my Arabic vesion shouldnt be listed in the directory.

Now what i can think.The English version is not good.? Is content of English version is not upto the mark? OR the English Editors want a long rest and want to sleep?

Sorry to say, this is not the definition of Volunteer.

Although the editors are Volunteer, BUT they should feel some responsibility. Other wise do cancel from Editor and give the chance to others and see what the Actual mean of the VOLUNTEER EDITORS..

Many Thanks with sorry to Editors



Nov 7, 2006
Now what i can think.The English version is not good.? Is content of English version is not upto the mark? OR the English Editors want a long rest and want to sleep?

I like that one, Kashif, :D. Congratulations on getting the Arabic Version of your site listed.

What that means is there was a volunteer editor in that area who had the time and interest to work in that particular category, the same may not be true for wherever you submitted the English version, or there may just be many more site suggestions in that area. :)

Editors who volunteer are only obligated to do one edit every 4 months to keep their editing privledges, and whether they review one site suggestion or hundreds, the Directory has been improved by at least that much.

As the Directory isn't a listing service for site owners, we're under no obligation to be accountable to site owners in any way. We serve the web surfer only, and that is where our focus is. No volunteer is forced to do anything with their free time, they edit when, where, and as much or as little as they want to.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
I have launched the same site with Arabic version. And i couldnt stop me to surprise that after 10 days, it was listed (Arabic Version of my site). But its Englsih version, which i have submitted almost now more than 4 months ago, NOT listed.

So, what can now we all expect? From this conclusion it is very clear that my site do fullfill the standards.If not than my Arabic vesion shouldnt be listed in the directory.
No, no that is not an automatic conclusion. There are many sites where one language version is listable and another languae version isn't. (This is a general comment, since I don't know anything about your site. Quite possibly, the English-language version is fully listable, and nobody has reviewed it yet.)

Although the editors are Volunteer, BUT they should feel some responsibility. Other wise do cancel from Editor and give the chance to others and see what the Actual mean of the VOLUNTEER EDITORS..
An editor who isn't editing is not taking up some kind of space that somebody else could fill instead. Editors with the relevant editing permissions can edit in any category, whether there is an editor named there or not. And more than one editor can be named in a category.


Sep 12, 2007
Hi To all

Now it has been gone almost seven months , but unfortunately my site still not in the directory. It seems incridible to find that the specific category has been updated twice during this time.

Really dont know, whats happening.



Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
The "lasted updated" date at the bottom of each category page just indicates the last time that anything has been changed in that category. It does not necessarily mean that an editor has checked every listed site, or reviewed every site that's been suggested there. The date could be changed by something as simple as one of out automated tools removing a dead site from public view.


Sep 12, 2007

With Respect to all Editors,

Now almost eleven months gone and our site didn't add in DMOZ. I don't know how to explain. Just want to ask in this time our site added in Google News, Yahoo News, MSN News, Live News (News Search Engines), even the Arabic version has been added in DMOZ seven months ago. Organic results in major search engines, we improved and number 1 almost. Our competitors get down from organic results. But unfortunately our site didn't add in the DMOZ. I regularly check the category page and in eleven months I found only 2 or 3 new websites get listed. I think in eleven months if volunteers are adding 2 or 3 quality sites in a single category, this is really a big job. Thanks to all volunteers to getting them this fabulous job.

Every time the experienced editors don’t waste their time to just say that DMOZ is only based on Quality sites. I want to ask if our website is not providing the quality content or not unto the mark, so why Google News, Yahoo News, MSN News, Live News and lot of other news search engines added our site ?

Any defensive answer now.

Hope you people can realize what actually my mean to say.



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Hope you people can realize what actually my mean to say.

You're assuming that we've declined to list your website. It's far more likely that nobody has looked at it yet.

ODP is a volunteer organisation and editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no system to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
kashif0341 said:
I think in eleven months if volunteers are adding 2 or 3 quality sites in a single category, this is really a big job. Thanks to all volunteers to getting them this fabulous job.

Let's do some math.
DMOZ has almost 600.000 categories. If we add 2 sites in each category in a period of 12 months (just let us make it a full year) we would have added 1.200.000 sites in a year. That is 100.000 newly listed sites each month. For me that realy seems a big job of which we might be proud.

Ofcourse these numbers are only a guess based on the number of sites added you provided. And editors will be doing many other things that might influence the actual growth. Removing sites that don't exist anymore, moving sites to other categories when they change content, etc.


Sep 12, 2007
Yes – you are very true. But each volunteer have more than one category access and unfortunately he doesn’t add even two sites in an each single category in twelve months. I would say not think about how many categories in the DMOZ. Think about how many editors are there and how many sites they add in each category in a months or years. Categories will fill up by volunteer editors, if really they will do. May hope you understand me.

Kindest Regards


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> But each volunteer have more than one category access
No and yes. There are many editors with only access to one or a very vew categories. There are also a few 100 editors with access to all categories.

> and unfortunately he doesn’t add even two sites in an each single category in twelve months.
Probably not. Editors will only 'work' in categories they want. He/she might add 50 sites in 1 category in a certain month and nothing in all other categories. That is perfectly OK. The directory did grow.

> I would say not think about how many categories in the DMOZ.
> Think about how many editors are there
Last numbers I have seen were around 6 to 7000 active editors (that is editors that did atleast 1 edit in the last 4 months).
> and how many sites they add in each category in a months or years.
That varies enourmously. Some editors will have other things on hand and might only reach the minimum to stay active. But after a few months the other things have been done and they will now add a 100 sites a day.

> Categories will fill up by volunteer editors, if really they will do.
> May hope you understand me.
I don't understand excatly what you mean with "fill up".
Each category can have more than one listed editor and will have many more editors not listed specificaly listed for that category.
If an editor is already listed for a category it will not block another person to become editor for the same category.

Editors tend to look at the overall growth of the complete directory and not so much at the growth of individual categories. I know that website owners will only look at the one category the want their site to be listed in. And as such they forget to look at the complete picture.


Sep 12, 2007
I agreed and have respect your views and words. I regularly check the categories and like to see what happened in that specific category. Just because i have submitted four different websites in different categories. But its seems really surprise that after four moths passed, there is no any addition. The example can be , at the end you can clearly see when last time this category accessed/updated.(Last update: 2:02 PT, Monday, February 11, 2008 ). It means almost four months passed, no any editor have a look on it ? Is it a good time to review the category ? Should i be cool and waiting ? i have interest to see my site there. But if editors regularly add the sites in the category (Even not mine sites) than i will be cool and will wait that editors are busy to add others sites and will wait mine sites numbers. (In this case if I will have to wait more than five years, I will do)



Jan 23, 2003
What you cannot see is that there are a number of actions an editor can take in a given category that do not change the datestamp.

Going in and cleaning out spam suggestions, checking the number of pending suggestions, moving suggestions in and out without adding them are but a few examples.

We are not going to respond to request to look at a single category simply because someone feels we have not looked at it recently enough.

You have made your suggestion. There is nothing else that you can do that is constructive that will aid your suggestion.

There are things you can do that will aid the directory.

You could, for example, become one of the many unsung heros who help us identify bad links and other quality control issues by participating in the thread that is dedicated for that purpose. Just browse the directory and post any problems you identify using the reporting format that others (such as the poster ncman) use.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> But its seems really surprise that after four moths passed, there is no any addition.
It is not surprising to me. With about 600.000 categories and some 6 to 7000 editors a lot of categories will not be looked at for several months. And when they are looked at you can't be sure that all suggested sites will be evaluated at that moment. Maybe the editor had only time to look at 5 sites that day and has since then looked at many other categories.

> It means almost four months passed, no any editor have a look on it ?
From the date you can not make the conclusion that noone has looked at the category. Maybe the only thing that was done is rejecting sites or moving sites to a better category. These actions won't update the laste edit date. On the other hand there are several actions that would update the date which don't include looking at any suggested sites.

> Is it a good time to review the category ?
Not any more than it was yesterday or it will be tomorrow.
> Should i be cool and waiting ?
Seems to me a good thing to do.

> i have interest to see my site there.
But are you sure it is the right category. To me it seems a cat that would not hold many sites (look at its description) but would attract a lot of missuggested sites (belonging in one of the countries or subcats).


Sep 12, 2007

The site fits the category, which I have discussed above. That is Middle East Biggest News site. One of our sites has been added a long time ago in that category. Even all the competitors are listed there.

Let leave the editors alone, and wait when they look upon it.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.