Can I get a category suggestion please?

Hi. I am finalizing a website that features a large number of antique piggy banks from Mexico. I was expecting to find a "banks" or "piggy banks" subcat under:

but there doesn't seem to be one. Should I submit my site this high up in the directory, and hope that the editor decides it is worthwhile to create a subcat for this topic?

Is there a more appropriate category that I somehow missed?

NB: I realize that parts of the site are "coming soon" that is why I am posting here instead of "site submission status"... but I like to plan ahead, and write my submission to ODP ahead of time.

thanks for any suggestions.

We don't usually create categories for just one site.

We don't often list sites with a lot of "coming soon" areas in it.

Wow. Thanks for all the suggestions, I appreciate them all. I think that the site itself (when it is completed)probably belongs in the category:

I was assuming that the piggy banks section of the site might deserve a listing in antiques cat, but since there isn't a bank or piggybank subcat in the antique section, I suppose that isn't going to happen.

I was just surprised not to find a bank subcat, because it is a definite collecting genre. I guess I should find 2 other bank sites and send them in. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Mar 25, 2002
Re: Can I get a category suggestion please? *DELETED*

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