Can I re-submit a site to a different category?



I have found a more appropriate category, I'm not sure if was always there? Can I submit to that category? Is there a special process? Any and all answer will be helpful.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Our standard answer for this is:

IF you've submitted before to just one category,
AND you decide another category is better,
THEN submit to the SECOND category. If you are right the second time (as you are more likely to be, in my experience), you will have saved us the time of tracking down the second category, and wasted only the time of deleting one extra submittal -- a net gain for us. A help for us. And we thank you.

I hasten to caution lurkers that this is not blanket permission to submit to MULTIPLE categories beyond the two: that would be "shotgun spamming". Two guesses, and let us track the best category down from there.
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