Can I re-submit?


Dec 17, 2009
Approximately a year ago someone recommended that we submit out site. Our site has come a long way since then and we are currently having it optimized. When we did submit it our website, it was submitted in haste, I doubt the guidelines were followed closely, and it was probably not submitted in the correct category, as it was submitted I believe with National Commercial Real Estate Companies. We are actually a local Chicago property management company. I am sure that we did not use very good wording to describe our site or what we do. Currently we are in the process of making over the site and having copy editiors give us better wording to use for content, title, etc. Our business is legit, we have been in business almost 30 years and have had a website since approximately 1998. We have new leadership (next generation of family) with vision who would like to resubmit our site once the makeover is complete in a month or so. I know the guidelines restrict re-submission, but we would really like to be considered or re-considered. Do we have any options? I appreciate all feedback.
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