The issue is basically never site design. So a redesign wouldn't affect anything.
The issue is basically always unique content. But ... if you were happy posting a site without it before, why would you change now? If you had unique content (of the kind the ODP lists), why would you not have already published it?
A quick resubmit would naturally result in either a quick certain reject, or a delayed re-review (and near-as-no-never-mind-certain reject.) That's why, nearly always, when a site is rejected (whether or not it was already listed), there really isn't anything to do.
In the rare circumstances where an editor might have made a mistake, or the even rarer circumstances where it might have been deliberate abuse, a resubmit would be appropriate. But before doing that, look at the site, and make sure that a surfer can quickly get an idea of what unique information the site might offer, or what commercial entity provides the unique goods and services are offered. If there isn't any such, then the site isn't one that the ODP ought to list, and it's better to pursue commercial site promotion for a content-void or marketing site than to waste your time badgering editors over something they know they ought not to do.