Can I submit my site to 2 catagories?

I recently submitted my site "" to the music/artists/W catagory (sorry, dmoz was down or I would have posted the exact link). However, I am curious if I can submit my site to music/artists/C/The Calling as well, since Nate Wood is the drummer for that band. Your response to this question is appreciated!


Aug 2, 2002
Short answer: No.

Either your site is about Nate Wood, or it's about The Calling. One or the other, not both.

There ought to be links between the The_Calling category and the Nate_Wood category (I can't check right now as dmoz is still down) so the Nate_Wood category can easily be found from the The_Calling category.

Thanks for your quick response! I only submitted my site yesterday (to the catagory W), so I will check back to see the status of it later on. I really appreciate how helpful everyone has been on these boards!!! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Aug 2, 2002
Now that dmoz is back up I can see that we don't have a category for Nate Wood, and the search tool doesn't find any sites listed for him. In this case you should submit to .

If we had lots of sites dealing with Nate Wood, we would create a Nate_Wood category under,_The/ and list the sites in there. If you happen to know of a few other sites about him, you might be able to persuade an editor to create the category and list all the sites (including yours) in it.

To my site is the only one that is dedicated to Nate Wood. I submitted my site a couple of days ago. I hope it will get included. Thanks for following up for me.


Aug 2, 2002
Oh dear, it seems that I have made a mistake here. <img src="/images/icons/ooo.gif" alt="" />

I had got the impression that The Calling were a long established band, and that Nate Wood was a member that had also made a reputation for himself outside of the band (like U2 and The Edge). It seems that I was wrong, so the advice I gave above wasn't correct. Since Nate Wood is unknown outside of The Calling, you should indeed have sent the site to the Calling,_The category.

I do apologise for misleading you, and anyone else following the exchange. Assuming your site is , I have moved it over to the Calling,_The category for you.

No other sites were waiting in The Calling category, so it's in now. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

If you're still trying to apply for that category, make sure to mention your affiliation with in the application - it will help rather than hurt you to be up-front about it. Good luck!

Hedley...thank you so much for finding my site and changing the catagory so quickly. I was able to see my site listed and it made me very happy. Also, I did resubmit my application today and listed that I run the site that was just included into the catagory The Calling.

hedgey42-sorry, I just realized I had incorrectly spelled your user name. My apologies!! It was late for me.
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