Can i submit to more then one area???



Im not sure, I submitted to a couple categorys. Is this ok? or am I only allowed to submit to one? will i be punished for this?? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" />


Aug 2, 2002
I think the question you really wanted to ask was "can I be listed in more than one category?", to which the answer is a qualified "no".

We will list a site in an appropriate category in Regional, as well as an appropriate category in the topical areas of the directory. You could also get a listing in some the language categories if your site is multi-lingual.

You won't be punished for submitting to two categories, or three, or even five, but much more than that starts to look like spamming. At 20 submissions you'll definitely look like a spammer and will be treated appropriately.
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