Can it take 4 years to review a site?


Sep 1, 2009
I have submitted in the "Shopping: Music: Instruments" Category about once a year for 4 years. I have never received a response and I have never been included in the directory. I have a legitimate site that meets the guidelines. there is no doubt that I have submitted to the correct category. I offer tons of useful music information, articles that I have personally written, original content and unique items that are not easily found. I've been in business, serving my local community since 2003 and I also have hundreds of repeat international and thousands of national customers. Obviously I'm not the only one who thinks their site should be included but 4 years is a long time isn't it? is there an outside time frame for including or rejecting a site. surely it can't be more than 4 years? If you need more editors I would be happy to oblige. Have already applied for that too. no rejection letter, no confirmation letter. there are dead links in the category mentioned and everything. I understand taking a long time to review submissions, so, multiple editors per category? I'll help!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I have never received a response...

I have a legitimate site that meets the guidelines. there is no doubt that I have submitted to the correct category. I offer tons of useful music information, articles that I have personally written, original content and unique items that are not easily found.

Just reading that, I have a great deal of doubt that the site was submitted to the correct category. "Shopping/Instruments" is sort of like, you know, websites of businesses that sell instruments. The number of "articles" or "music information" is profoundly irrelevant to a listing in Shopping. The expression "unique items that are not easily found" is today's leading candidate for being "unclear on the concept". But whatever was meant, it is also irrelevant. is listed, although you could hardly say THEY have anything that's "not easily found"!

What is relevant to a Shopping category is possessing a significant number of items and offering to send them to people (for money).

I've been in business, serving my local community since 2003...

That might well be relevant information. But ... it doesn't matter what you say in the forum. Do you say it on the website?

... and I also have hundreds of repeat international and thousands of national customers.

It doesn't matter whether that's relevant or not. The editor who reviews your site won't know it.

Obviously I'm not the only one who thinks their site should be included but 4 years is a long time isn't it? is there an outside time frame for including or rejecting a site. surely it can't be more than 4 years?

It's been at least 5 years since 2003. (As soon as the website is posted, which might not have been at the same time the business opens, it starts waiting for review. When, how often, or even WHETHER it's EVER suggested, doesn't matter. If it's listable, it's listable now without a suggestion--a suggestion doesn't change anything. If it's not listable, a suggestion isn't going to change anything either.

So....there CAN'T be an "outside time frame" even for FINDING a site, let alone including or not including it!

If you need more editors I would be happy to oblige. Have already applied for that too. no rejection letter, no confirmation letter.

Unfortunately, that's a really bad place to start editing. (I was the main editor working in Music/Shopping at one just got too ugly. Drop-shippers and affiliate doorways up the kazoo, little if anything to distinguish between sites, ...) I decided to focus on what was important to me, and finding places to buy guitars or saxophones by mail wasn't it.)

there are dead links in the category mentioned and everything.

Please, report them in our quality feedback thread. That DOES usually get quick responses.

multiple editors per category?

Every category works the same way. As many editors as are interested, and can find something to do, can be accepted. It's just that not a lot of people interested in the Open Directory Project idea, have also been interested in that Shopping category.

You might consider offering to edit your locality's arts and entertainment category--that's something you might well have firsthand knowledge of--and, if you enjoyed reviewing websites, move on to other interesting local categories before stepping into the cacophony of Shopping.


Sep 1, 2009
Thank you for your speedy reply Hutcheson.

I should have been more clear. The reason I stated that I no doubt submitted to the correct category is because I own a musical instrument store. We sell just about every kind of musical instrument. Musical instruments is all we sell. We have a great shipping cart website where you can purchase musical instruments (for money) and we will send them to you wherever you may be.

The reason I mentioned all of our original content is because in addition to selling instruments, we also have a large tutorial section with articles on how to select and size an instrument, how to play and care for instruments and many other articles specific to many of the instruments we carry. Google/yahoo/msn like our tutorial pages because they are original content and not just linkbait BS. The are written for the sole purpose of helping our customers. I know that DMOZ is interested in having a useful directory of places on the web and i know for a fact that ours is useful. even if a customer doesn't purchase from us it is useful. if you have the ability to see my profile here you can see the site i have submitted under my contact info.

I appreciate your suggestion about editing a local arts or music category. Being a professional touring musician and music producer for 15 years, I think I would be quite good at it if I may say so.

I'm sure the spam submissions in the shopping categories are practically insurmountable, it's a shame. it's also a shame to see categories with poor inclusions. Links to stores that aren't even in business anymore, 10 sites that sell exactly the same things for the same prices, sites that have non-secure checkouts, etc. When there are 100 or less sites listed in a category, it should be easy for someone who has taken responsibility for that category to to a review of all of them once every quarter. I see a store right now in the category which has been closed down since 1/1/09 (I'll post it in the quality feedback thread)

Anyway, you have been helpful. I have read in other posts where an admin states "If it's listable, we'll list it in time." Objectively, I am 100% confident that my site is listable based upon the guidelines at . So, 4 years and no inclusion makes me wonder how long can it take for a listable site to get listed. I guess the answer is . Depends on the category. Am I right?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Our servers suffered a major crash in late 2006 and most pending listing suggestions were lost. If you haven't re-suggested your website since January 2007, please do so now.


Sep 1, 2009
thank you Jimnoble
I can't remember the last date that I submitted but it could well have been after 1/1/07
I don't want to be a "spammer"


Apr 5, 2004
I don't want to be a "spammer"
Glad to hear it. Multiple and unnecessary suggestions waste everyone's time. Repeat offenders can find themselves banned, but as long as you have not suggested more than a couple of times, that's not a risk. :)


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
I own a musical instrument store.
If your site also describes your walk-in-store (i.e. gives information to your local community about you) then you may also suggest your site to your locality category under Regional without being considered a spammer.

There is no guarentee as to whether it will be reviewed faster or not.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
When there are 100 or less sites listed in a category, it should be easy for someone who has taken responsibility for that category to to a review of all of them once every quarter.

Perhaps ... if there were such a person (for most categories there isn't), and if that were all that needed to be done in the category (for many categories, including this one, it isn't).

However, you don't have to have editing permissions to take on THAT responsibility. Anyone can check the sites in any category once a week, or once a quarter, or once a year, or just once ... just report the problems you find in the QA thread in this forum, and editors will (GRATEFULLY, I assure you, and usually QUICKLY) fix them.
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