Can not listed our official website


Aug 2, 2007
Dear Sir/Madam

i tried to list my website in Top: Regional: Asia: Nepal: Guides and Directories. i submited this website 2 times within 2 years. still not listed any problem there?
i read your terms and conditions fully. after that i changed my policy and now website title is long. which is out of your titlr tems. when listed this website?

kulendra baral
nepal visitors network


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
To clarify (as there seems to be a miss understanding here that is common but needs to be corrected), only editors can 'list' sites. What you have done was suggest a site to the editors that they may or may not agree is listable. The most probable reason a site that fits our guidelines for inclusion is not listed, is that one of the volunteers hasn't had a chance to review it.
nepalvisitors said:
i submited this website 2 times within 2 years. still not listed any problem there?
i read your terms and conditions fully.
Are you sure you read the submission guidelines fully? The reason I ask is that when you suggest a URL you agree to having read the Submission Guidelines which state:
Depending on factors such as the volume of submissions to the particular category, it may take several weeks or more before your submission is reviewed. Please only submit a URL to the Open Directory once. Again, multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.
This explains that it can take several weeks or more for an editor to review a suggestion and you should only suggest the URL once.

nepalvisitors said:
after that i changed my policy and now website title is long. which is out of your titlr tems. when listed this website?
Not sure I am following you on this, the length of the the title has nothing to do with whether or not a site is listable. What makes a site listable is that it meets our guidelines for inclusion, then it just takes an interested volunteer to review and place the site. There is no way to predict when an editor will be interested in any particular category, nor is it possible to predict when an editor will be working on reviewing public suggestions which are only one resource available for finding and including sites.

If you have suggested your site to the directory, thank you for your help! The editors appreciate your suggestions. Eventually a volunteer will be along to review the suggestions.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.