Can Server Issues Affect Listing?

May 8, 2004
I have had a problem with my host for the 6 weeks with the server crashing constantly. With the site completed and tested throughout, there were no scipt errors, coding errors etc. Just a server up time issue.

Needless to say, last weekend I got fed up and went shopping for a new host. I only dealt with companies/hosting agents I could actually speak with on the phone and had each one review the site.

All said they could handle the hosting with no problem. So I picked a mid ranged priced service. (shoulda gone with the darn cheapest service...sigh)

Unfortunately, now I get PHP and CGI errors. Something all said they supported. Needless to say, my community forum (like this one) and my site search are inoperable and my form mail doesn't work. sighhhhhhhhh.... Costing me thousands of dollars.

Even when your careful you can still get bad hosting.

Needless to say, I spent yesterday and today hunting for a new host and should get the domain changed by Friday.

Any suggestions on the impact this will have and should I sue everyone?


Mar 25, 2002
It is possible that an editor would reject a site if it was down at the time of review.

What i would suggest is that, once you get your server issues resolved (or one month since your previous status check, whichever is the later) you ask for a status check. if the site got reviewed and rejected because of the server issues, the editor will invite you to resubmit.

Does that sound like a workable plan to you? ;)
May 8, 2004
WoW Fast Reply

Wow that was a fast reply. I was more curious about the affect on a decision. Makes sense considering an editor will have no idea if the server is down or if the reason code isn't working is due to host blocking that type of code.

I may own a hosting company really


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I sympathize, although I think you did it to yourself. A professional sysadmin would always bring up the new site before shutting down the old one: and then would cut the domain name over only after the new site had proven stable. That's your lack of due diligence.

No, I wouldn't sue everyone. That would cost more than it would be worth. I'd just write it off as a rather expensive refresher course in SysAdmin 101.

And, of course, "what alucard said."
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