Can somebody please explain....


May 12, 2005
Strange that you should direct me to
My site was submitted for listing some months before at least one site with far less content was accepted.

If you'd care to take a look at the comments by the category editor regarding lack of content (follow link in previous post) and then compare (which has far less content than my site and was listed) with ?? :confused:

I'm not looking for a reason why my site wasn't listed, this has already been explained to me, i'm looking for a reason why a site using the same auction script as mine, submitted to the same category as mine (some months later) and with far less content than my site was listed and my site was refused.

I do understand that 'possibly' a different editor reviewed both sites, but I also understand that you work to guidelines. With this in mind, could someone please explain why my site was turned down for not having enough content, while a site with less content was accepted?


May 12, 2005
Maybe i'm not looking in the right place, but the link you provided sends me to the following
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say. First, different people have different views on what makes a "good" site. It is for this reason that we have the ODP guidelines and note that a lot of it is left up to editor discretion.
Second, standards change - years ago, when the ODP was a fledgling directory, the priority was to increase the size as quickly as possible. The focus has changed much more now onto the quality of the sites listed. So there may well be some sites listed which, if submitted today, would not be. In these sorts of cases, random reviews of categories by editors will remove those. If "worse" means "not meeting DMOZ guidelines", then you can use the abuse report procedures on DMOZ itself, or PM a meta as described in the abuse forum.

Third, sites change - what was once a great resource might well have been abandoned by its webmaster or changed to become something completely different. If you find such sites, and wish to help the ODP become a better directory, then please submit the category and site information in the Abuse forum - this will bring it to our attention.

Finally, as the ODP matures, the bar for "unique content" gets raised higher and higher. We don't look at submissions and think "Well, this is no worse than anything else so I'll add it." How does that improve the category? If you wish your site to be listed in a particular category, it should be better than the best site already listed and offer content not offered by any other site already in the category. Don't aim to be second worst, aim to be best.

What am i missing here?


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Jun 9, 2010
[Right here]

No you were not missing anything, I was pointing you to the FAQ which was related to your initial question about why your site was not listed when compared to others. I took a look at the site you mentioned and have dealt with it.

If you come across listings that you think need editorial attention in the future you can always post in

Thank :)


May 12, 2005
When you say
I took a look at the site you mentioned and have dealt with it.
What exactly do you mean? I see the site is still listed in 2 categories, so by "dealt with it" do you mean you have explained to me that the site has more content or somehow looks better than my site? I'm still confused.


Feb 13, 2004
What am i missing here?

Not all sites get accepted into ODP. ODP editor decisions aren't subject to review of this sort -- comparison complaints, I mean. "Mine's better than that, so I deserve a listing" won't fly here. The kind of site you have can impress one person and be derided by another. You have to understand the POV of people who review plenty of such sites.

Do you know what's in the UK and what isn't, by the way?


I see the site is still listed in 2 categories

You don't know for sure what was meant, so assuming a deletion may be premature. But, if it was a deletion, you should know that the public pages may take a while to catch up to the editor-side pages. If nothing at all has changed in, say, two weeks, you can likely conclude that the listings that bother you weren't deleted.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Check again in two weeks. And when you do, look at the "last date updated" in the relevant categories.


May 12, 2005
Not all sites get accepted into ODP. ODP editor decisions aren't subject to review of this sort -- comparison complaints, I mean. "Mine's better than that, so I deserve a listing" won't fly here.

Apologies if you misunderstood my post. I don't recall saying that my site was in any way "better" than another, merely that my site was turned down due to lack of content, whilst a similar site in the same category, in the same country was accepted some months later.
I do understand that editors all have a different idea of what looks nice and what doesn't, but there was no mention of esthetics when my site was refused, merely a lack of content.

Do you know what's in the UK and what isn't, by the way?
I lived in the UK for some 30+ years and have a fair idea of what's there, could you elaborate a little please as I don't fully understand the question?

This was not a cry to have my site listed on DMOZ, nor an attempt to have any other site removed and I apologise to the owner of said site if my actions here have caused its removal. I was merely addressing a concern regarding your editor's guidelines for submission acceptance/refusal and how strictly these guidelines are adhered to.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I was merely addressing a concern regarding your editor's guidelines for submission acceptance/refusal and how strictly these guidelines are adhered to.

The guidelines are monitored by "peer review." If anyone mentions something they think is a problem, it's likely some of the editors' peers will review it immediately, fixing and/or discussing as needed.

That's how we develop a consensus (or at least, spot where a consensus is absent) about how best to apply the guidelines.

And sometimes that results in a change.

>This was not a cry to have my site listed on DMOZ, nor an attempt to have any other site removed...

That's understood and appreciated. Non-dogmatically calling attention to a specific possible inconsistency is constructive criticism. (And often gets some action started -- what action will be based on the acting editor's understanding of the guidelines.) But any action in that area, whether or not directly resulting from your tip, will happen only if because an editor thought it should have been done. And so the responsibility remains with the editor.


May 12, 2005
Thank you all for your replies. With hindsight, perhaps I did come in a little headstrong. I do realise that the editors are only ( or almost :D ) human and that one editor may well accept a site that another wouldn't give the time of day but i'm sure you can understand my frustration with the inconsistencies in acceptance/approval, especially when I got the raw deal :D

Again, thanks for your replies and hopefully, one day soon, my site will be up there with the best of them

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