Can Someone Help please


Oct 27, 2006
Hi all
I have been trying to get my site listed for about 3 months. With no success.
I don't want to submit to google because if I do and then dmoz list my site, I could get banned from google for Spam. Can someone have a look at my site and tell me if I can improve anything to get listed or is it just luck of the draw?
Also If I can't get into dmoz, should I then submit to google etc or just keep trying dmoz
<url removed>

Many Thanks


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> I have been trying to get my site listed for about 3 months. With no success.
Please read the FAQ. The answers given there should give you a better understanding about how DMOZ works and what you can expect.

>I don't want to submit to google because if I do and then dmoz list my site, I could get banned from google for Spam.
Google search and DMOZ directory are totaly unrelated and neither knwos about which sites get suggested to each other.

> Can someone have a look at my site and tell me if I can improve anything to get listed or is it just luck of the draw?
We don't offer such a service. And if a site could improve you should do so. This has nothing to do with a DMOZ listing. Just improving to get a listing is not possible at all.

> Also If I can't get into dmoz, should I then submit to google etc or just keep trying dmoz
You can suggest / submit your site to any other directory or search engine. They are totaly undependend from DMOZ.
For DMOZ: suggest your site ONCE (with you already did) to the ONE best category. There is nothing more you can do.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
As a matter of statistical certainty, you can't do anything to a site "to get listed."

It is (as best we imperfect humans can make it) NOT a "luck of the draw."

It's, first of all, a matter of whether you have significant unique knowledge to contribute to the totality of human culture (which is, of course, a question WE could not conceivably answer), and whether you choose to make that knowledge freely available on a website (which is, again, something WE do not control.)

And then, whether some surfer is interested enough in the topic on which you expound, to look for sites including significant contributions to that topic. And this is fortunately not something that YOU can control: for the sake of the project's integrity we try to make sure it's not something you can influence. It's in the hands of disinterested surfers (which is not the same as "blind chance" although from a sufficiently shallow perspective it is indistinguishable from it.)

There's no way we know about, to manipulate the process in your favor, and if there were a way we knew about, we'd be busy designing safeguards against it.

I will throw this out for your consideration, though: the more comprehensive and authoritative a given site is (on its subject), the more likely surfers are to want to find it useful as an authority on that subject. But that's "all surfers", not just the ODP editors. (On the other hand, targeting ODP editors rather than all surfers, is the most effective way of discovering techniques to ensure the site will not ever be listed.)
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