Can someone suggest a category for my site?



I wish to submit Dreamland Magic to DMOZ, yet I am unsure of which category it falls under.

Dreamland Magic was designed so that parents and children can spend time together online in a safe environment. It has original stories, as well as songs, games and a holiday section for the children. For the adults there are inspirational applets, child causes and a shopping area,as well as message boards for both groups.

The site does not seem to fall under Kids & Teens, or under Home/Family.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. :flower:


Nov 6, 2002
The site seems far too commercial to me to be a good fit for Kids and Teens. I don't see an exact match anywhere, but and look like possibilities.

For the first category, an editor would mentally block out all affiliate and commercial aspects as well as anything that was available elsewhere on the web, and would decide on the basis of what's left. For the second one, only the gift shop and the cafepress links would count.


Too commercial? Hmmm, the only commercial part of the site is the Gift Shop area, and the small amount of sales that generates are only to help keep the site online. :confused:

I checked through some of the links in the and see that there is at least one with a Cafepress shop, and other advertising, but that catagory doesn't seem quite right either.

I don't know. ~~sighs~~ I guess I'll just forget about it for now, and perhaps one day there will be a catagory suitable for the site, or the site will be suitable for a catagory. :)

Thanks for trying anyway. :flower:


Mar 25, 2002
perhaps one day there will be a catagory suitable for the site

If you can find at least 4 other quality sites providing a similar service, we can make a category and find the right place in the ontology to place it. This is a common way for new categories to get created. :)
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