Can we get a little love for the Ford Mustang category


Jan 23, 2003
Well, if you know the answer, I'm not sure why you asked again.

But we are being very consistent with our answers:

1. The ODP is not a listing service.
2. This forum is not the place to ask an editor to pay attention to a particular category.
3. while a year may seem like a long time to you, it is not that long in ODP time -- given that we make absolutely no commitment as to how long it will take to review a given suggestion or to even look at a given category.

I know it sound cold and heartless, but that is how the directory works. Editors work where they wish (given the constraints of their permissions, and their own priorities) and do as much or as little as they choose during any given editing session.

Editors are stongly discouraged (that is a mild way of saying it) from going off and editing as a result of postings in this forum (except for the abuse forum).

Next time you are in a bank, try standing at the teller line and demanding that everyone stop what they are doing and start counting their quarters. You;ll find our respose is downright mild in comparison.


Apr 15, 2003
What you probably don't understand, is that of the 8,000-10,000 active editors, less than 100 of them post in this forum. So it's unlikely to be helpful posting here.

If someone out there is interested in Mustangs they will be editing that category already. If there is an editor who is interested already but not going fast enough to get around to your site, no one is going to tell that editor to work harder.

Of course it is possible that some editor reading this suddenly gets an overwhelming urge to go and edit them, you never know.


Sep 19, 2005
So basically the dmoz is a resource of useful sites except for the many useful sites that were not lucky enough to be included when the category was first started so they have yet to added and do not seem to be in any kind of hurry to add correct?

I just don't get it how this place can be so full of its self. It's not a damn listing service so what is it exactly?

If it is a resource of useful sites then 1) Why are there geocities hosted websites with pictures of some guys Mustang GT in the Ford Mustang category? What the hell use does that serve? 2) Why does it take so long to include other useful sites in there?

Serious questions that have not been fully answered in my mind. You list websites in a directory whether you want to give it that official name or not and these websites are suppose to be useful. That is not the case with the some of the sites in my category. So some geocities BS website gets in and my site, which is a great resource for Mustang owners gets the shaft because some editor applied and was accepted for that category and then does not keep up with it and stay true to the DMOZ way of listing useful sites.

Where am I going wrong here?

Also what I don't understand is why you stand behind the current ways of the DMOZ while you piss off boat loads of website owners in the process.

Just because that is the way the DMOZ currently works does not mean it is anywhere near the most efficent way, because it is not.

It is fing retarded for me to have to waste my time starting out editing a small piece of crap category just so I can hope to be accepted to the category that I have excellent experience in and care about. Now I am not offering a perfect solution but to stand behind this so strongly and just tell me "Well that is just the way it works" is annoying at its best.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You need to get over yourself. Regardless of whether or not your site is the greatest thing since sliced bread, other sites have just as much of a right to be reviewed and maybe listed in the category as it does. And if some of them get reviewed before yours, so what? Eventually yours will get reviewed, too. Coming in here and posting multiple "Why isn't my site listed?" rants isn't going to help things.

I just don't get it how this place can be so full of its self. It's not a damn listing service so what is it exactly?...You list websites in a directory whether you want to give it that official name or not and these websites are suppose to be useful.
We list sites, yes. We've never denied that (how stupid would that be). But we don't provide a listing service to webmasters. A listing service, by its very nature, serves the webmasters. The ODP serves the ODP's customers, i.e. surfers and the people who use our data. Not the webmasters. We are happy for webmasters to suggest their sites to us but we are under no obligation to review, let alone list, any site that is suggested.

...gets the shaft because some editor applied and was accepted for that category and then does not keep up with it and stay true to the DMOZ way of listing useful sites.
The activity level of any particular editor is irrelevant to the amount of time it will take any particular suggested site to be reviewed. An inactive editor is not preventing another editor from coming in and reviewing suggesting sites. And an active listed editor isn't a guarantee that your particular site will be reviewed at all.

It is fing retarded for me to have to waste my time starting out editing a small piece of crap category just so I can hope to be accepted to the category that I have excellent experience in and care about.
Then I expect that you won't be applying to become an editor any time soon. Probably works out well for all of us, given your general opinion of the directory.


Sep 19, 2005
motsa said:
You need to get over yourself. Regardless of whether or not your site is the greatest thing since sliced bread, other sites have just as much of a right to be reviewed and maybe listed in the category as it does. And if some of them get reviewed before yours, so what? Eventually yours will get reviewed, too. Coming in here and posting multiple "Why isn't my site listed?" rants isn't going to help things.

I happen to think my site is more resourceful than some guys piece of **** geocities page with a couple of pictures of his Mustang on it. If I need to "Get over myself" for thinking that then I could give a **** becuase I do think that and won't be changing that frame of thought anytime soon.

We list sites, yes. We've never denied that (how stupid would that be). But we don't provide a listing service to webmasters. A listing service, by its very nature, serves the webmasters. The ODP serves the ODP's customers, i.e. surfers and the people who use our data. Not the webmasters. We are happy for webmasters to suggest their sites to us but we are under no obligation to review, let alone list, any site that is suggested.

So why do not not put forth ANY effort to achieve efficeny at this? You can not tell me that making a site like mine, which ranks with the likes of some of the best Ford Mustang resources on the internet, wait 1... 2.... 3... years to be listed is serving your "customers" efficiently.

The activity level of any particular editor is irrelevant to the amount of time it will take any particular suggested site to be reviewed. An inactive editor is not preventing another editor from coming in and reviewing suggesting sites. And an active listed editor isn't a guarantee that your particular site will be reviewed at all.

So you do not service webmasters, put forth little effort to make sure that your "customers" have a some what updated resource to come to to find sites related to the category and yet you claim you serve the surfers?

Then I expect that you won't be applying to become an editor any time soon. Probably works out well for all of us, given your general opinion of the directory.

I won't be applying for something that is a complete mess like this directory no.

I will however try to figure out how you can put so little emphasis on making sure good useful websites are added to this directory and then somehow claim to be serving the surfers.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I deleted your other two posts because you were just ranting (yet again) about your site not being listed yet.

This forum is not here for people to post "Why isn't my site listed yet?" rants. You've been cut enough slack in having this thread still here but we've gone well beyond the policies of this forum. So, this thread is being closed. DO NOT start a new thread or post to start ranting about your site all over again.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.