Can we submit forum to ODP ? Our site is listed



We have successful web site. Due to the large increase in e-mails we find it difficult to answer them individually. We believe that we can best serve the needs of our customers and visitors with a Forum where one will be able to ask questions plus have the opportunity to interact with other people. Last week we have launched 'Forum' for our customers and visitors.

Can we submit forum to ODP ? Our site is listed with ODP.


Curlie Meta
Jan 21, 2003
Re: Can we submit forum to ODP ? Our site is liste

It is hard to say without knowing the site and the category. But deep links (inside pages) are the exception rather than the rule. If the forum is *about* your company, it is unlikely that you will get a second listing just for the forum. But you could go to the category and use "Update URL," saying in your reason for wanting an update that you have added a forum and its purpose. E.g., "We have added a tech support forum for our blue widgets, and it is regularly monitored by our engineers."


Re: Can we submit forum to ODP ? Our site is liste

This forum is NOT about our company or not to promote our company. It's about our industry, product knowledge, information, news, discussion etc. for everybody, open to public and not only for our customers. We have experts on subject to answer the questions.


Oct 30, 2002
Re: Can we submit forum to ODP ? Our site is liste

The direct answer is yes you can submit it. Will it be listed? Maybe, maybe not. If it is a wide-ranging resource on a topic that isn't company-focused it could have a good chance to be listed. If it's just got a few dozen messages mostly focused on your company, it very likely wouldn't be listed.


Aug 14, 2002
Re: Can we submit forum to ODP ? Our site is liste

Ask yourself in which category would the forum best fit? Would it be in the same category as your company site? If so, your best bet is to try and get your company site updated.

If it would fit better in a different category, you could try submitting it and see what happens.


Re: Can we submit forum to ODP ? Our site is liste

Sole, Steveb, icxcnika. Thank you!!

Definitely forum will fit in different category. Content of the forum will be totally different and as I said earlier we are not going to promote our site on forum, actually we are going to promote forum through our site. We have Luxury item site. Forum is giving information, education and guidance to visitors plus answers to their specific questions. I think forum will fit in to 'consumer information' category under shopping.

My concern is, if we submit forum in consumer information category, are we following ODP guideline ? Can any editor give us guidance before submission? We will provide all information privately. Thanks!!


May 26, 2002
Re: Can we submit forum to ODP? Our site is listed

>> Content of the forum will be totally different <<

I picked up on the "will be" and take it to mean that there isn't any, or at the least, very little, content there right now. I did see that you said that the forum had only been active a week. I don't see how you can know exactly what will be discussed on the forum, but in any case, you should bear in mind the "content" rule and not submit the site until it has quality content, and lots of it too.


Aug 14, 2002
Re: Can we submit forum to ODP ? Our site is liste

It would be helpful to at least know what the product was. However *might* have some useful information for you.

Giz is right about content. You should wait until you have a fair bit of content before you submit. However, you can certainly gather information now and plan.


Re: Can we submit forum to ODP ? Our site is liste

Thank you! Sole & Giz, I agree with you. I'll follow your instruction. Thanks again.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I'd love to give you an answer but your site won't load because you've exceeded your bandwidth. That doesn't bode well for there being sufficient content in the forum to make it listable.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.