Can you be listed 2 times or more at DMOZ?



I was wondering Im trying to get listed in:
its going to be another 2 months minimum, seems like 3-4 months is the norm for his category.

I am in California, is there a listing somewhere in DMOZ regional or?? I dont know if you can, or maybe this would take away from the listing in :

when it finally comes.

What would be the best, I sell custom wheels and tires, just wait it out or?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You have a storefront in some town in California, right? Where people walk in and buy (or break in and steal or whatever, we don't care about your business model) auto parts? Definitely submit the site to that town's Business and Economy/Shopping category.

You have storefronts in all the villages in Fruitcake County? -- Definitely submit the site to that County category.

You have storefronts all over the San Francisco Metro area -- there's a category for that also; or if you have a statewide (or supra-county) chain of stores, then submit to the California Business and Economy category.

It's not just storefronts that people walk into; it could be warehouses that hire people ... so long as there is SOME reason why the website would be ESPECIALLY AND UNIQUELY interesting to people with a particular interest in Podunk, California.

The listing in Shopping or Business is about a completely different aspect of the site; -- its potential for national mail order. Since people interested in buying Auto parts by mail order aren't going to have any way of knowing to look in the Podunk local business category for your site, then the ODP will consider listing it in the Auto Parts category also.

The usual caveat: some people come in thinking they've been guaranteed two listings. 'Tain't so -- nobody's guaranteed even one! But we do say a listing in Regional doesn't automatically PRECLUDE another listing in Shopping/Business/Society/etc., and vice versa.
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