Cannot get my site listed from 3 years


Dec 7, 2009
we have one portal with pr 4 and listed #1 in major SERP for may be 50 niche keywords and we get around 1000 Unique just from SE.

I remember i submitted our that site 3 yrs ago when it was luached...didnt succeded...
i tried 2-3 times in last 3 years....even then my site has not been listed....
we are ligitimate company and it is just a entertainment portal....recreation.....

but i never succeded...

we have dont done any keyword spamming during submitting site.

some months ago i tried to submit our webhosting business website in regional->country>hosting...
even that doesnt seem to be accepted...
dont know why....?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
The only reasons that a suggested site hasn't been listed are:

-It's not listable (Self Check).
-No volunteer has yet listed it.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.


Dec 7, 2009
i dont know it is allowed here or not...but for eg
one site submitted was
<URL removed>

which isn't illegal site or any thing was posted in webhosting category

It was posted 3 months ago my

even that portal we have submitted doesnot fit into both explanation provided here...

I actually resubmitted it after some years as we had no idea...what actually was the matter ...and felt as if was it missed.

any way thanks


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
even that portal we have submitted doesnot fit into both explanation provided here...

That's an extraordinarily silly thing to say. How could you possibly know whether the explanation "no editor has yet reviewed it" fits?


Dec 7, 2009
hutcheson said:
That's an extraordinarily silly thing to say. How could you possibly know whether the explanation "no editor has yet reviewed it" fits?

if it takes more than 3.5 years to review a site then i dont have to say any thing.....

plus i know it is not directly co-related and this directory doesnt work as search engines...but crawlers crawls out site every 5-6 is strange that domz didnt had time to review our single site in last about 1200 days....

even for our hosting site, our around local 200 clients dont find any thing spammy,non content related....even search engines think so that why we are #1 for "hosting in our country" in many SERP...
but dmoz has some other opinion...we dont know why...


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
frank1 said:
if it takes more than 3.5 years to review a site then i dont have to say any thing.....
If you suggested your site only once 3,5 years ago it most probably has been lossed during our outage end 2006. Almost all suggestions made before 2007 were lost in that crash.

plus i know it is not directly co-related and this directory doesnt work as search engines...but crawlers crawls out site every 5-6 is strange that domz didnt had time to review our single site in last about 1200 days....
DMOZ is completely human edited. It does not crawl websites.
The only non human tools we have are those that check listed sites to see if they are still available.
If no human editor is interested in looking at suggestions in a certain category those suggestions may be waiting for years until an editor gets interested.
Remember that DMOZ is not a listing service for websites.

but dmoz has some other opinion...we dont know why...
Maybe because website hosting is not an interesting subject to work on with the thousands of people who offer such services and send us their websites for review. And maybe because many of those suggested websites are just not listable as they do not offer any unique content.
The more unlistable websites we receive for a subject the less editors are interested in editing in such a category.


Dec 7, 2009
pvgool said:
If you suggested your site only once 3,5 years ago it most probably has been lossed during our outage end 2006. Almost all suggestions made before 2007 were lost in that crash.

DMOZ is completely human edited. It does not crawl websites.
The only non human tools we have are those that check listed sites to see if they are still available.
If no human editor is interested in looking at suggestions in a certain category those suggestions may be waiting for years until an editor gets interested.
Remember that DMOZ is not a listing service for websites.

Maybe because website hosting is not an interesting subject to work on with the thousands of people who offer such services and send us their websites for review. And maybe because many of those suggested websites are just not listable as they do not offer any unique content.
The more unlistable websites we receive for a subject the less editors are interested in editing in such a category.

well,didnt knew about that 2006 crash...any way i think my clients would sue me if i say i lost all your data in my harddisk crash :D :D

From the words you have written it gives a feeling that dmoz is directory which includes the site that EDITORS thinks interesting(not users...after all it is not tv show where TRP would suggest, what editor likes is what users dont like :D)

Hosting in general may not be interesting topic to many users(i even doubt that ...make some keywords researchs...)but hosting in particular country,hosting in niche definately is useful info for many people....we find more than 200 unique users google to us every day...and get to us...if it was not useful why would people bother to do it...

finally,just a very personal thought,if it doesnt have enough resources to get it running,edit sites then i think either it should run some donation campagin or find some other ways to generate income....
or it should clearly state in heading of site ...sites may not be listed bcoz of inavailability of editors....
as i said in our other post....saying comprehensive directory and not listing even good site may give wrong message to users of the sites(that are not listed), whose users may not know it was not listed bcoz editor were busy ...or personally didnt knew about the tropic(how would a intl editor know craze of hosting business in a region,niche...)...not bcoz it had some problems...

all just personal thoughts....


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
i think my clients would sue me if i say i lost all your data in my harddisk crash
Fortunately, you aren't a client of ODP - surfers and downstream users are :D.

From the words you have written it gives a feeling that dmoz is directory which includes the site that EDITORS thinks interesting
Absolutely correct. Our editors are just website users who are interested enough to catalogue anything useful what they've found :).

The rest of your post is a reprise of opinions expressed here many times. The forum's search should find our responses.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
frank1 said:
From the words you have written it gives a feeling that dmoz is directory which includes the site that EDITORS thinks interesting
100% correct

Like many people DMOZ editors collect bookmarks of websites they think are interesting. Instead of keeping them private we have combined forces to group our bookmarks into a big directory. To make the directory workable we have made some guidelines which every editor has to follow.
We offer oither people 2 options to contribute to our project. They can either become an editor and start sharing their bookmarks. Or they can suggest usefull websites to us. If such a website fits into the bookmarks of a current editor and if that editor finds the website compatible with our guidelines it will be listed.
To get a suggested website listed there must be an editor interested in the subject and the website must meet our guidelines. And if a subject is not maintained at this moment it might in the future when a new editor with interest in that subject joins our forces or when an existing editor gets interested.


Dec 7, 2009
jimnoble said:
Fortunately, you aren't a client of ODP - surfers and downstream users are :D.
Client doesnt mean one always has to pay money...if one invest time,money and resouces to get good listing in dmoz and next day it is gone...i know there can be many logic to defend it but one can say it is neither relaible nor ethical

jimnoble said:
Our editors are just website users who are interested enough to catalogue anything useful what they've found :).
If it is the case,you cannot/should not say that.I think you may say ....catalogue large enough....or MOST...not all...
for eg, if your editors(i mean site),cannot include number#1 hosting site of the country just bcoz they think every hosting site is just "another hosting site",then you are not be fair to people of the country and you cannot say your editors can and does covers all....
may be more diversification and specific area knowledge may be required in the editors...

i know these are all tropic of discussion and what i think may not be right for others....and i donot have any thing against any site and not trying to misinform any one...but i am trying to make myself clear....or trying to check if i am wrong..
so far havenot felt so...


Dec 7, 2009
pvgool said:
100% correct

Like many people DMOZ editors collect bookmarks of websites they think are interesting. Instead of keeping them private we have combined forces to group our bookmarks into a big directory. To make the directory workable we have made some guidelines which every editor has to follow.
We offer oither people 2 options to contribute to our project. They can either become an editor and start sharing their bookmarks. Or they can suggest usefull websites to us. If such a website fits into the bookmarks of a current editor and if that editor finds the website compatible with our guidelines it will be listed.
To get a suggested website listed there must be an editor interested in the subject and the website must meet our guidelines. And if a subject is not maintained at this moment it might in the future when a new editor with interest in that subject joins our forces or when an existing editor gets interested.

ya i know that ...but the root of the problem is
Yes there are guidelines and we have done every thing to be under that guidelines and we feel we are under it,but editors dont think so.....and root of the problem is we dont know why they dont think it is as per rules....

so say yourself,suppose u r fired but ur employeers doesnt say why r u fired...then what will u do?

and next thing if it really depends upon on whim of individual editors as said in last line,i do not have to say anything than feeling that it is unprofessional...
@personal thoughts


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
if one invest time,money and resouces to get good listing in dmoz and next day it is gone

That's not "client", that's "parasite". Very different things.

it is unprofessional

Exactly right. It's "amateur", not "professional". It's done for love, not money. And that makes all the difference.

Amateur is better for some things, professional is better for other things. If you want professionals, hire them, don't try to suborn the amateurs.
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