Cannot Get Site Listed


May 22, 2005
I realize the Site Status has been discontinued, but I have a problem. I submitted my site: to DMOZ over 6 months ago and it is still not listed.

I tried emailing a couple of category editors for help and suggestions, but I have never received a response. from anyone. Now, I see the editor has been removed from the category I would most like my site added to. This is the category in question:

Can someone offer any advice or assistance? How can I resolve this?

Thank you in advance,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You're right, you can't get a site listed. It says so right in the submittal policies.

You can't even make any editor even look at any site. That also is explicitly stated in the editorial policies: if for any reason an editor is uncomfortable reviewing any site, then ... it may be left for another editor.

You can't even make an editor look at sites in a particular category. We're not so particular, and will take whatever help our volunteers offer.

All you can do is make sure that when an editor is working in a particular category, that site will be easy to find. That's what your FIRST site suggestion does (and occasionally, your second one also).

(The third and successive site suggestions raise your blood pressure and increase the chances that an editor reviewing the oldest sites first will leave yours for later, as well as running a greater risk that the site will be perceived as spamming. (Since there's a high correlation between worthless sites and spamming, that's not the best way to make a favorable first impression.)

A lot of people expect that these subsequent submittals will have additional effects favorable to them. The logic of that has always puzzled me, but then, I'm on the receiving end of the spam: and I suppose Napoleon got more good out of his famous massed artillery barrages more than his opponents did.

The best advice is, as always, in the Submittal Policies. Submit once, wait a while (although I'd wait a bit longer than it says -- say six months to a year), submit again; spend the other 365.22 days of that year working the business (if any), collecting content, promoting the site, and not worrying about what the ODP volunteers are up to.


Aug 19, 2004
Mark: I hear you, brother. I have been trying to get my site listed for almost 2 years by following the rules and being a legitimate business. Now the only outlet to check on site submission (however useless it was) is gone and now it is a one way street. Anyway, it's a long, perhaps unfruitful road- don't expect any quick results. I am relying on other search engine techniques to gain exposure. If you are interested in exchanging war stories or have some tips, you can email me through

Good luck!
E. Rice
Production Basics Ergonomic Workstations
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